Where’s That High Road the Left is On? – IOTW Report

Where’s That High Road the Left is On?

Woman Arrested For Shoving Her ‘Bloody Maxi-Pad’ Into Pro-Life Protester’s Mouth


ht/ rob e.

27 Comments on Where’s That High Road the Left is On?

  1. What an evil stunt, you ugly c*unt!

    In any sane place, this would be assault and battery. However, by the looks of her, there’s no way she’s carrying an STD, unless you can get it from a vibrator.

    Just sayin’…

  2. We got some hogs a runnin around these parts that are a damn sight better lookin than that there river horse. And they have better hygiene too. Granny is trying to figure out how that river horse got so good at walkin on its hind legs.

  3. Been talking to my wife about this more and more lately. The Left will continue to become more unhinged but it serves as a lesson to illustrate that if they can do this, if get the power they want they won’t hesitate to kill you.

  4. in advance or with malice aforethought, she planned the assault. she probably hasn’t thrown away her @&$! since trump was elected. waiting for her big moment.

    on behalf of mankind, i would like to identify every person that helped form her behavior. mom, dad, stepdad, uncle who molested her, teachers, boyfriends, girlsfriends, etc. raise your hands, get on the bus and leave this planet.

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