Where’s the DIVERSITY in the UNIVERSITY? – IOTW Report

Where’s the DIVERSITY in the UNIVERSITY?

Good afternoon BigFurHat,

Only one professor from the country’s top 50 liberal arts colleges (according to U.S. News and World Report) has given toa Republican presidential candidate. Yes, you read that right: only Hamilton College History Professor Robert Paquette gave to Carly Fiorina.
The remaining 99.51 percent of donations went to Hillary and Bernie Sanders.
Guess that’s putting the “liberal” in “liberal arts college.” You can find more here: http://crfrm.us/TQI3F
Sterling C. Beard
Campus Reform Editor-in-Chief


11 Comments on Where’s the DIVERSITY in the UNIVERSITY?

  1. Is education supposed to be

    If it is
    they should be paying you to go there.

    There is no need for tuition, grants or student loans.


  2. I would like to see a wealthy Conservative create & endow a Conservative Constitutional college. Only bona fide Conservative professors would be hired. Compensation would be merit-based; no tenure. Student admissions would be strictly merit-based and require passing an American Civics and History test. Students who are Environmentalist, Veejun, Atheist, or any other Libard ilk would be barred. No federal or state funding would be accepted, in order to tell the Gummint to go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.

  3. Worked like a charm regarding another industry, housing whereby money became costly and rare and so housing became a buyer’s market providing one could get the financing. Prices came down and stayed down.

    Doing the same thing to the Dem donors would be a GOOD thing. Imagine all that money not payed to leftist progtards instructors staying in the marketplace for people to spend on real tangibles.

  4. MT & BC – thanks for the info. I don’t have chirren of my own but several couples that are friends of mine I will begin brainwashing them about Hillsdale.

    What I don’t understand is how a bastion of free-thinking can be smack in the middle of enemy territory such as Michigan.

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