Where’s the Evidence??? HERE!!!!!!!! – IOTW Report

Where’s the Evidence??? HERE!!!!!!!!

This video shows how America is being stolen. It also says to support websites such as this one.

We thank this man for that message. It’s important.

Conservative sites are the last bastion… between good and evil.

Video HERE

ht/ lurker

13 Comments on Where’s the Evidence??? HERE!!!!!!!!

  1. If we lose Trump for the next 4 years, this will become his mission. We will finally see truth and have a voice.

    The corrupt swamp and complicit media have been exposed by Trump and will have to be destroyed from without.

  2. With all due respect, a website isn’t gonna’ be a deterrent to evil.
    It’s going to take supreme sacrifices paid for in blood.
    Get your minds around that.
    And Fritz, if this election is successfully stolen, with de facto sanctioning from the supreme court, then no republican will ever win again.
    This is what 2A is all about.
    We cannot accept these results under any circumstances.

  3. MJA no doubt info is key, but puffing one’s self up to being the “last bastion between good and evil” is quite self-aggrandizing and falls far short of acknowledging reality.

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