19 Comments on Where’s the Pandemic That Has Crippled the Country?
I would ascribe that .1% increase to boomers timing out.
In a nutshell….all deaths whether they were from something else or not have been labeled a Covid death.
Factor in the ever-increasing omni-present gross obesity around us and it’s friggin’ miraculous that the mortality rate isn’t going up.
Personally, I don’t consider what they do living, but maybe I’m jealous that I can’t annoy people riding round WalleeMart making people reach things for me. Things like 36 packs of ice cream cones.
We’ll see a big jump in deaths for 2021. From the jab. Well, we won’t ever see it, but it’ll be there. Kind of like the flu.
There is no cataclysmic happening around the world, at least not a natural one but it isn’t for lack of the commie leftists trying.
Covid19 — the only “disease” in the history of the world that has its own publicists. 24/7/365 (and counting): omnipresence on ALL social media, cable and national news, organized and vetted talking points across all platforms. I can’t even open a new browser tab without a second one popping up to remind me about Covid19 or to get “the jab”.
A real epidemic doesn’t need marketing and advertising.
When does it go on sale?!
CDC has so much information available, but a lot of the time they make it very difficult to analyze. I can’t find the data for this.
Politi-‘Fact’ claims the numbers are false. Since I can’t find the numbers on CDC I can’t say – although this chart suggests that numbers were in fact higher this year. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
Spoiler alert re that chart – even per CDC we haven’t had excess deaths since March of this year.
One thing I can’t sort out is that if life expectancy is around 80, why aren’t there around 1250 annual deaths per million? At least their numbers appear consistent, but they seem consistently low.
When I say numbers were higher I meant for 2020
I looked thru the link LCD listed. I don’t see how to find the data. Somebody brighter than me can maybe take a screen shot and post?
It’s up your butt and around the corner! Now put on your mask and take your shots like a good prol.
Should be by the phrasing so the Plandemic is working a bit.
Looks like we flattened the curve.
I recall a John Hopkins study that showed no increase in mortality rates (for any age group), and no increase for the total number of mortalities for 2020. The study was pulled in case “people got the wrong idea”.
I’m guessing we’re about to write off 10,000 Americans in Afghanistan in 2021. Wonder what that will do to the numbers?
I would ascribe that .1% increase to boomers timing out.
In a nutshell….all deaths whether they were from something else or not have been labeled a Covid death.
Factor in the ever-increasing omni-present gross obesity around us and it’s friggin’ miraculous that the mortality rate isn’t going up.
Personally, I don’t consider what they do living, but maybe I’m jealous that I can’t annoy people riding round WalleeMart making people reach things for me. Things like 36 packs of ice cream cones.
We’ll see a big jump in deaths for 2021. From the jab. Well, we won’t ever see it, but it’ll be there. Kind of like the flu.
There is no cataclysmic happening around the world, at least not a natural one but it isn’t for lack of the commie leftists trying.
Covid19 — the only “disease” in the history of the world that has its own publicists. 24/7/365 (and counting): omnipresence on ALL social media, cable and national news, organized and vetted talking points across all platforms. I can’t even open a new browser tab without a second one popping up to remind me about Covid19 or to get “the jab”.
A real epidemic doesn’t need marketing and advertising.
When does it go on sale?!
CDC has so much information available, but a lot of the time they make it very difficult to analyze. I can’t find the data for this.
Politi-‘Fact’ claims the numbers are false. Since I can’t find the numbers on CDC I can’t say – although this chart suggests that numbers were in fact higher this year. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
Spoiler alert re that chart – even per CDC we haven’t had excess deaths since March of this year.
One thing I can’t sort out is that if life expectancy is around 80, why aren’t there around 1250 annual deaths per million? At least their numbers appear consistent, but they seem consistently low.
When I say numbers were higher I meant for 2020
I looked thru the link LCD listed. I don’t see how to find the data. Somebody brighter than me can maybe take a screen shot and post?
It’s up your butt and around the corner! Now put on your mask and take your shots like a good prol.
The party of,
Yup, I also don’t see what the sources at the bottom of that table have to do with the numbers shown. For convenience, here are the two sources cited:
It is in “Stralia” & “Zealand”
Are the GSWs in ShitCago factored in?
Should be by the phrasing so the Plandemic is working a bit.
Looks like we flattened the curve.
I recall a John Hopkins study that showed no increase in mortality rates (for any age group), and no increase for the total number of mortalities for 2020. The study was pulled in case “people got the wrong idea”.
I’m guessing we’re about to write off 10,000 Americans in Afghanistan in 2021. Wonder what that will do to the numbers?
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