Where’s The Special Counsel For “The Big Guy”? – IOTW Report

Where’s The Special Counsel For “The Big Guy”?

Washington Examiner

When multiple people in multiple circumstances all use the same, semi-unusual appellation to refer, as if in code, to an effectively silent partner in legally questionable business dealings, the likelihood that they are referring to the same person increases substantially [i.e. “The Big Guy].

These reports are significant because they more directly link Joe Biden himself to what can only be described as massive influence-peddling — whether legal or illegal is to be determined — by multiple members of his family. Joe Biden has insisted for years that he barely even knew about, much less participated in, the foreign engagements for which Hunter and Joe’s brother Jim each were paid millions of dollars. The references to “the big guy” add to copious circumstantial evidence indicating those protestations were untrue. More

10 Comments on Where’s The Special Counsel For “The Big Guy”?

  1. Yet, the FBI categorically denies there is a two tiered Justice System. The Agency has not done anything wrong. Every citizen/investigation is treated equally by the law and Constitution.

    If you recall, John Wayne Gacy painted himself as a misunderstood victim of circumstance. A good guy – an ethical family man. Gacy claimed he had proof that he did nothing wrong.

    Both the FBI and Gacy adhered to the lies they told. The evidence led to Gacy being lawfully convicted of 33 Murders.
    The FBI has yet to face justice or accountability for their actions.
    The “Devil” is in the details and evidence as they come to light. Until then, parents who speak at school board meetings, legal gun owners, those who support “Right to Life”, Conservatives, 1st Amendment supporters, those who financially support Conservative Candidates and President Trump should beware.

  2. Joe Biden is the perfect symbol of how pathetically corrupt and broken our government is. If we don’t dig out now, our chances at restoring our wonderful America are nil.

    Future of our children is being stolen away.

  3. Or Donny has just flaunted that the American justice system doesn’t apply to him, because he is above it, he is Donald Jacksss Trump & he knows better than any laws ever written. It’s fuck America, I come 1st & his followers parroting, laws don’t work unlesss we need them to.

  4. “Where’s The Special Counsel For “The Big Guy”?”

    …prospective candidates are being interviewed over fine dinners by the FBI as we speak. The winner will get three envelopes; one, instructions on exactly how they are to conduct the “investigation” to maximize false hope while never revealing anything, and who they must contact for further orders; two, a fat envelope of unmarked $100 bills as a down-payment on what they will get if they follow instructions; three, graphic, never-released photos of Epstein, Seth Rich, Vince Foster, and many others to show what will happen if he doesn’t.

  5. FBI, DOJ. What we hear little of is the DOD. Have we lost that also? Will it too be weaponized and ordered against US citizens and will the forces comply? Has it already?

  6. It should be obvious that the decrepit old piece of shit has outlived his usefulness and is being moved out of the way. There will be no Special Council for the simple reason that The Democrats, Republican establishment and Deep State are profiting from the same type of behavior.

  7. Washington is not going to fix itself. Until Americans wake up to that fact and decide to do something the take over is just going to roll along unchecked. We had a good run, then gave up.

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