Where’s the UN When Real War Crimes Are Going On? – IOTW Report

Where’s the UN When Real War Crimes Are Going On?


Sudan’s Darfur region is facing a growing risk of genocide as the world’s attention is focused on conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, a UN expert warns.

“We do have circumstances in which a genocide could be occurring or has occurred,” the UN Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, told BBC’s Newsday programme.

She said many civilians were targeted based on their ethnicity in Sudan’s besieged city of El Fasher, where fierce fighting has intensified in recent days.

More than 700 deaths have been reported in 10 days by a medical charity in the city.

El Fasher is the last major urban centre in the Darfur region that remains in the hands of the Sudan’s army.

The military has been fighting the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) for more than a year, in a civil war that has killed thousands and forced millions from their homes. More

10 Comments on Where’s the UN When Real War Crimes Are Going On?

  1. There was a war in the Eastern Congo region at the turn of the 21st century which involved at leat 5 Central African countries and resulted in 5 million deaths, many of which were civilians in the Eastern Congo

    What percentage of Americans are even aware that this huge death toll even occurred? How many even know the NAME of this war? It was called the Great Lakes War. How many Americans know what “Great Lakes” means? And yet, the war in the Great Lakes area had a death toll that dwarfed the current war in Ukraine .. and it also involved the members of the sacred Melanin Enhanced Tribe. And as we know, sometimes we’re required to rend our garments over the death of just one of these anointed ones

    So did anyone in the US even set a trash can on fire because of this where Were ANY “I Stand With the Congo” signs? How about spontaneous cries of “Sacre Congo?” Has there been a movie about this .. What about an 30 minute HBO special?

    Of course we know why .. but ever once in a while it’s important to highlight how enormous the hypocrisy can be

  2. Callmelennie – thank you for that reminder and history lesson.

    In my old age, I absolutely hate ‘governments.’

    The Human Race is incompetent.

  3. I see that the Germans have agreed to arrest Netanyahu.
    Maybe detain him, too, since they’re experienced with that.

    Boy, nobody saw it coming how the Germans want to teach the Jews a lesson


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