Which gun owners are less likely criminals? – IOTW Report

Which gun owners are less likely criminals?

DailySignal: Concealed-carry permit holders are nearly the most law-abiding demographic of Americans, a new report by the Crime Prevention Research Center says—comparing the permit holders foremost with police.

“Indeed, it is impossible to think of any other group in the U.S. that is anywhere near as law-abiding,” says the report, titled “Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States 2016.”  MORE

5 Comments on Which gun owners are less likely criminals?

  1. Well number one, that guy in the picture is not concealed. Number two, there’s a good percentage of ccw’s that take their shit serious and do their half hour of dry fire practice and are at the range 3 times a month. I don’t want to piss off my LEO buddies here but Google shots fired in an armed conflict between LEO and CCW’s. That stat says it all.

  2. Canada did a similar study, if you have jumped through all the hoops to get your Canadian Firearms License, you have basically proven that you are never going to be a criminal in Canada.

  3. I abide by the constitution – the supreme law of the land – and it says that I don’t need a permit and that my rights shall not be infringed.
    I see the biggest law-breakers as the ones who are trying to deprive me of my constitutional rights. And I see any kind of registration list, permit or whatever, as a handy tool for gun-grabbers to use when they are ready to take away our right to self-defense.

    Mark the known criminals and leave the rest of us alone. Government needs to mind the business we hire them to do and stop pumping out thousands of laws and regulations every day. And quit stealing our fucking money.

    The number one threat to the safety of America right now is the corrupt government, not legal gun owners. It never was gun owners.

  4. “Facts are stubborn things” – Ronald Reagan

    I’m a gun owner. I used to have a CCL when I lived in Fla. My fiancee and I are going to take the classes and get one here.

    I’m personally not in favor of permitless concealed carry. I think anyone who wants to carry concealed should first take a class, be fingerprinted and be background-checked. The class really brought home to me the responsibility of carrying a lethal weapon – more aware of my surroundings, what to do, what NOT to do, etc.

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