Which Mom Gets The Last Word? – IOTW Report

Which Mom Gets The Last Word?

This appeared two days ago, after the RNC Convention, in the NYT opinion section.

To the Editor:

As Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens’s mother, I am writing to object to any mention of his name and death in Benghazi, Libya, by Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican Party.

I know for certain that Chris would not have wanted his name or memory used in that connection. I hope that there will be an immediate and permanent stop to this opportunistic and cynical use by the campaign.


Oakland, Calif.


Of course the leftist media picked it up and ran with it.

But it won’t fix the damage done by Patricia Smith, Democrats.

22 Comments on Which Mom Gets The Last Word?

  1. Patricia Smith is a patriot, and so are the families of the fallen others that fought that day and died well.

    Kiss my ass Canckles, and your cuck predator of a husband too.

  2. I’m sure Mrs. Commanday isn’t thrilled with 0bama/Hitlery/Rice and their handling of this. She’s got to know the unvarnished truth of what happened. However, Ambassadorships are normally given to highly placed partisans, so I can only wonder if something else is afoot, here. Sadly, it sounds like politics………

  3. It’s not a problem as I see it: continue to lament the loss of the others and continue to point out the appalling way they were not supported but, in deference to a grieving albeit misguided mother’s request, make no further mention of Ambassador Stevens’ role.

    It won’t affect the narrative one iota.

  4. Since Stevens was acting in an official capacity for the United States government, the historical record belongs to the nation, not his relatives.

    She’s just a partisan functioning as a partisan.

    If Stevens was just a private citizen traveling the mother might have a case.

  5. TOUGH 💩 MOMMY. You desecrate his memory and grave with such a cavalier attitude.

    If you had any honor as his mother you would change party affiliation and vote for Trump while screaming at Hillary for justice to be brought down on her. I’m sorry Christopher was raised by such an uncaring and cold bitch. Gee. That describes your candidate PERFECTLY.

    And Hillary didn’t listen to your son when he asked for more help. Why the hell should any of us listen to you? HEH?!?!?!

  6. Whether Steven’s name is used or not doesn’t change the facts. He’s dead because the Obama Administration put him and others in danger, choose not to support them once they were in trouble and instead put all their effort into trying to spin their way out of the political fall out before the election.

    Ambassador Sevens would be alive today if Hillary hadn’t been Secretary of State.

  7. Boy, this stinks to high heaven! As others have written, this is a matter of Mrs. Stevens being as well-connected to the Clintons as her son apparently was to obtain an ambassadorship and she is completely sympathetic to their ’cause.’ And, given the truth of the situation, she is in complete denial of it.

    The whole affair is a matter of public record by eye witness accounts. She has no right at all to tell the Republican party to not use his name or refer to him. It’s not cynicism or political opportunity, it’s the truth of Clinton’s failed foreign policies and a dereliction of her duty.

  8. Good men died protecting your son. And for what. What was he really doing over there, what secrets did he take with him.
    I no longer care what your son did, only that he took others with him to their graves.
    Shut the fuck up bitch, we are tired of the Clinton lies. We the people have the right to say what we want and Patrica Smith lost her son protecting your crap ass son. Arms deal? Drugs? just what was he dealing with and whom.
    At this point, it does matter.

  9. After the Ambassador died mom made sure his male former partner, living in Chicago, kept his mouth shut and made no claim on the body.

    People are free, at least until a Killary Presidency, to discuss who and what they choose to discuss. I wonder why Mom wants her son’s legacy buried.

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