While a State Rep, Ilhan Omar voted against bill that blocked insurance payouts to terrorist’s relatives – IOTW Report

While a State Rep, Ilhan Omar voted against bill that blocked insurance payouts to terrorist’s relatives


While serving in the Minnesota Legislature in 2017, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) was one of two state legislators who voted against a bill that would allow insurance companies to block payouts to the relatives of terrorists.

The bill, H.F. 1397, placed limitations on “payments to beneficiaries of persons furthering terrorism.”

The bill was introduced in response to the 2015 San Bernardino shooting massacre, in which 14 people were shot and killed. The perpetrators – Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik – took out two life insurance policies totaling $275,000. The federal government intervened and sued to seize the money and use it for the survivors and the victims’ families,


6 Comments on While a State Rep, Ilhan Omar voted against bill that blocked insurance payouts to terrorist’s relatives

  1. You knew who (and what) I was when you voted for me. So get off my back infidels. (Press release she should issue).

    That legislation was Islamophobic (press release she probably will release).

  2. Once an islamic zealot supporting terrorists, always a supporter of islamic terrorism.
    Kick her off the House Foreign Affairs, the Budget
    Committee and the committee on Education and Labor.

    Pelosi has willingly infected House Foreign affairs,the budget and education with the 7th century mentality of a cult racist whose purpose it to annihilate all who are not serving the peophile, murderous,false prophet muhammad.

    Diversity? She brought her diseased islamic black heart from Somalia.
    Assimilation, not in their vocabulary.


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