While Biden Was Busy Appeasing Iran, IRGC Was Plotting Assassination of a U.S. General – IOTW Report

While Biden Was Busy Appeasing Iran, IRGC Was Plotting Assassination of a U.S. General


Israel’s Mossad spy agency foiled an Iranian attempt to assassinate an American general stationed in Germany, Hebrew-language media reported Saturday.

Hebrew media cited several Israeli officials who confirmed an earlier reports by the London-based Iran International, an Iranian opposition news outlet, which said that alongside the unnamed general, an Israeli diplomat working in Turkey and a journalist in France were also targeted in the recent plot.

The man suspected of being behind the planned assassination was Mansour Rassouli, a member of Unit 840 of the elite Quds Force of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, which is in charge of overseas operations. He was arrested in Europe and interrogated by the Mossad. more

5 Comments on While Biden Was Busy Appeasing Iran, IRGC Was Plotting Assassination of a U.S. General

  1. “IRGC Was Plotting Assassination of a U.S. General”

    (Whispering, eyes closed, fingers crossed)

    *please say Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley, please say Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley, please say Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley*

    …I can hope, can’t I?

    “A traitor may betray himself and do good he does not intend.”
    J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    …and so too may an enemy…

  2. Brad
    MAY 3, 2022 AT 11:52 AM
    ““elite Quds Force of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard”

    I guess that means he has a faster Camel than the rest.”

    …nah, just that he’s taller than the average Iranian so he can access the few camels that stand high enough to still be virgins.

  3. @SNS May 3, 2022 at 10:11 am

    > I can hope, can’t I?

    There is always “hope”.

    But, when the options are “Win it all!” or “Win bigly!”, …

    Oh. Never mind.

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