While IVF Is Allowed To Create Millions Of Frozen Embryos, Those Babies Need Adoption – IOTW Report

While IVF Is Allowed To Create Millions Of Frozen Embryos, Those Babies Need Adoption

The Federalist: Embryo adoption allows children who otherwise would not be born to become part of a chosen, loving, permanent adopting family.

A recent Federalist article posited that embryo adoption has damaged children’s rights. The author conflated embryo adoption with embryo donation, raising several criticisms about the inherent nature of embryo donation. Embryo adoption, however, actually does exactly the opposite: Children who otherwise would not be born have the right to become born into a chosen, loving, permanent adopting family.

In the past when a couple learned they were infertile, their first and likely only option was to turn to adoption through a domestic or international program. In 1978, the first test tube baby was born, ushering in the brave new world of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). In particular, the ART procedure known as in vitro fertilization (IVF) has become the solution for many.

Often a cycle of IVF creates more embryos than the family will ever be able to use for pregnancies. The remaining embryos are cryogenically preserved but languish in frozen storage until a decision is made about what to do with them, or they perish. Well more than 1,000,000 embryos are now in frozen storage in the United States, posing a looming social and moral crisis.

Embryo Adoption Is Bigger than Embryo Donation

In 1997, Nightlight Christian Adoptions established the world’s first embryo adoption program and called it Snowflakes because each embryos is frozen and unique. Its purpose is to empower couples with remaining embryos.

The program accomplishes this by giving these couples the ability to choose the family who would receive their remaining embryos (adopt them, for the baby is not genetically related to the parents) and hopefully give birth to them. This is what we call adoption, not embryo donation, and it is child-centric.

Although couples approach IVF with the desperate hope of having a genetic child, they often end up purchasing human eggs or sperm to create more embryos. Why create more embryos when remaining embryos exist at agencies, clinics, and organizations throughout the United States? read more

5 Comments on While IVF Is Allowed To Create Millions Of Frozen Embryos, Those Babies Need Adoption


    IT is time to



    There is no reason that we should
    accommodate their perpetual threats
    and compensations demands

    A la Obama

    You can only stop that by destroying them.

  2. If this ain’t a first world and a HALF problem I don’t know what is.

    Sweet Jeebus, people in your neighborhood are sleeping outside. People you see every day need a coat. Take care of the ones currently suffering before you kick off the incept of something 265 degrees below zero.

  3. cheaper by the dozen

    they will wind up being researchable for genetic specifics and marketed
    ‘lets buy a baby. hand me that catalogue…’
    not today or tomorrow, but eventually. Probably be able to contract out ‘growing’ them,
    and then after the harvest, take them home and raise them.

  4. IVF Is Allowed To Create Millions Of Frozen Embryos, Those Babies Need Adoption

    I never thought I’d see it. Shakespeare was wrong. After 400 years, we’ve got a new head of the line.

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