While the Left Ignores Voter Fraud, More Evidence Mounts to Prove Them Wrong – IOTW Report

While the Left Ignores Voter Fraud, More Evidence Mounts to Prove Them Wrong

Daily Signal:

The 2016 elections have passed, but courts still have plenty of work to do sorting out cases of voter fraud throughout the country.

Convictions have continued to roll in this spring, and The Heritage Foundation’s voter fraud database is growing longer by the day.

This week, we are adding 19 convictions, including cases from Texas, Colorado, and Illinois. These are just the latest convictions. Yet despite the overwhelming evidence, the left prefers to bury its head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge the reality of Voter fraud.

Take one example from Kansas. When Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach claimed his first conviction in a voter fraud case against a non-U.S. citizen, opponents of the conviction had no interest in dealing with the facts.


7 Comments on While the Left Ignores Voter Fraud, More Evidence Mounts to Prove Them Wrong

  1. The left has refused to investigate any voter fraud and thwarted any efforts to ensure voter database integrity claiming that since there have been no convictions, fraud doesn’t exist.

    Let’s hope we’re finally getting some honesty in the election process.

  2. “the left prefers to bury its head in the sand and refuses to”

    NO. The simply encourage voter fraud, while denying it exists, which is the only way they can get mental slaves to serve them.

  3. Ignore my aunt Katie.
    Mighty Mojo got it right.
    Voter Fraud is the “Gift That Keeps on Giving” election cycle after cycle.
    Once the fraud is in place, only the fraudsters have the “authority” to correct it.
    Damn near perfect scam – which is why the Demonrats do it – and why the Republicrats are too fukkin dumb to figure it out – much less expose and prosecute it. Twatwaffles and shitpickle-eaters like Ryan and McConnell see the advantages and probably want to emulate the socialists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I took a look at the Heritage Foundation Voter Fraud Database. Two things stood out:
    1. Minnesota sure has a lot of cases.
    2. The database is missing the political party of those convicted. Want to bet the majority of them begin with “D”?

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