Whine’in Biden Declares President’s Fight “totally irresponsible” – IOTW Report

Whine’in Biden Declares President’s Fight “totally irresponsible”


President-elect Joe Biden said on Thursday that incumbent President Donald Trump’s challenge of the results of the Nov. 3 election was “totally irresponsible.”

Trump has launched legal challenges in multiple states and claimed, without evidence, that he is the rightful winner of the election. His administration has refused to recognize Biden as the likely winner, blocking Biden’s transition team from funding and office space and the president-elect from receiving classified briefings. More

31 Comments on Whine’in Biden Declares President’s Fight “totally irresponsible”

  1. Forgive me Lord, but I don’t have enough curse word’s 🤬 to describe you Beijing Biden and the Commie Comrades in your Democrat Party, can’t forget fake news, that includes you Fox News.

  2. Last week his poll-tested word was “embarrassing”. This week’s poll-tested word is “irresponsible”. They’d better back it down to four syllables next week or they’ll end up with “truanimprastithical”.

  3. The democrat playbook is deception, whether in the form of outright lying or creating a false perception with the intent make people believe that their false narrative what the “group” thinks. As an example, whenever you hear a politician say, “the overwhelming majority of Americans believe…” That is flat out bullshit designed to lead you to abandon your real belief and join the fake popular group(think).

    The same holds true with this major campaign by the media, democrat politicians, establishment RINO’s and other world “leaders” who have a very vested interest in seeing this voter fraud disclosure (i.e., Trump victory) get shut down ASAP. Thus the hard sell, FAKE narrative that Beijing Biden is the winner.

  4. They have proof that the Dominion voting machines were actually programmed to switch candidates on command.
    The state electors will have committed felonies by “certifying” what they can plainly see is massive fraud nationwide. (Who wouldn’t be able to see that?)
    What will truly be embarrassing is when they put him out to pasture soon because he’s done what they wanted him to and they move on with their communist plan.
    You’ll never be my president, Joe.
    You’re already an embarrassment.

  5. So Joe: is it responsible to run for president after committing treason for 25 years? Is it responsible to run for public office when your Alzheimer’s has degraded to the point you will have to be cared for in a few months? Is it responsible to become president after being charged with a felony in the Ukraine?

  6. Don’t you think it looks “terribly irresponsible” and “sends a horrible example” that the MSDM let this demented, doddering political hack get this far without asking him one serious question in nearly a year. They are probably waiting to verify his mental incompetence with some real evidence. That must be it.

  7. He’s not my President Elect!

    He’s presumed winner until the electoral college meets in mid-December. The media has been gas lighting the world with this “President Elect” BS. – Dr. Tar

  8. One would think if you weren’t a cheat, you’d want EVERYTHING to be open & transparent, not shredding ballots before the audit, like in GA, and who knows where else.
    If there is a single question left about the validity of this election, there’s around 70 million or so that will continue to believe YOU are the ‘illegal trespasser’ and traitor.

  9. Brad – “…And Kamel Toe still has not resigned from her Senate seat…”

    You are spot on. You’ve made that point in other threads as well. If she were convinced she was the “VP-elect”. she would resign from the senate. She KNOWS that the fraudulent elections will be exposed.

  10. Brad. You know what I think about Camelduh not retiring her Senate seat yet? Glad you asked! 🤪

    I wouldn’t put it past PRESIDENT Trump to hold off until the very last millisecond and see if she does retire it and as soon as she gives it up BOOM! He lays out all the evidence PLUS the military intel he collected that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt what truly happened.

  11. You guys can’t expect Kommiela to just give up that Senate seat she worked so hard for. She is planning to keep that even if she ends up VP. She will need the extra income. Afterall VP doesn’t pay that much. What did Biden make as VP? A lousy 20 or 30 mil? Of course she could do better if she is willing to get her knees dirty.

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