Whiny Eco-terrorists Cry Foul Over Law Enforcement Crackdown – IOTW Report

Whiny Eco-terrorists Cry Foul Over Law Enforcement Crackdown


h/t CFACT – Bonner Cohen (CFACT) writing for The Hill notes that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies are responding vigorously to threats from eco-terrorists – so vigorously the eco-terrorists are complaining.

Eco-terrorist attacks on energy infrastructure on tap for 2018

December 29, 2017 by Bonner Cohen, Ph. D.

Determined to disrupt the interstate transport of oil and natural gas throughout the United States, a network of environmental activists is openly threatening to resort to sabotage to achieve their ends. And having let their intentions be known, they are crying foul now that law enforcement officials are taking their threats seriously.

Indeed, the recent past foreshadows what is to come. In October 2016, a group of five demonstrators cut through padlocks and chains to enter the flow stations of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Dubbed Valve Turners, they shut off the pipeline’s valves, temporarily stopping the flow of oil through the pipeline. Local law enforcement officials in North Dakota apprehended the group. A court found two of the protestors guilty of felony charges, two more are awaiting trial, and a fifth was found guilty of second-degree burglary.  MORE

11 Comments on Whiny Eco-terrorists Cry Foul Over Law Enforcement Crackdown

  1. They are motivated by a hatred for humanity, pure and simple as that. If you doubt me, move to the Seattle area and spend some time studying them. Green on the outside, red on the inside, communist progtards who are in total solidarity with the de growth movement.

  2. Sabotage is an act of war–not free speech. During WWII six German six saboteurs were convicted and subsequently executed by electric chair. These clowns are lucky not to be sent to GITMO.

  3. If innocent lives are lost because these clowns derailed a train or something similar, how are they not murderers?
    They should be sentenced to pay treble the cost of restitution no matter if that means 10 lifespans of hard labor.

  4. “This crackdown is happening because activists have been successful, and because industry realizes that protest is a threat,” Kelsey Skaggs, executive director of the Climate Defense Project

    get that “protest is a threat”.

    “This suit is part of a rising tendency on the part of government and industry to demonize activists and to criminalize free speech activity,” Ted Hamilton, co-founder of the Climate Defense Project

    get that “demonize activists and criminalize free speech”

    destruction of civilizations infrastructure is free speech and protest.
    not vandalism and terrorism.

    allowing these people to roam the streets almost guarantees our loss of civilization.

  5. Ornery1 January 4, 2018 at 4:33 am

    Sabotage is an act of war–not free speech. During WWII six German six saboteurs were convicted and subsequently executed by electric chair. These clowns are lucky not to be sent to GITMO.

    More than that, they need to step back a bit and see how lucky they are that “official” law enforcement is dealing with them.

    If it were citizens acting on the crimes against them, they would be dead already.

  6. How did they get to the areas where they did the damage, probably drove a gas burning SUV. Send them up to the New England states and put them in a cell with no heat and see if they see the value of oil and natural gas.

  7. these so-called activists fighting against so-called Global Warming are nothing more than the Useful Idiots of the billions-funded professional Environmental Industrial Complex.

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