Whistleblower #3 Steps Forward – IOTW Report

Whistleblower #3 Steps Forward

ht/ nm

18 Comments on Whistleblower #3 Steps Forward

  1. Would Lauren Bacall be considered as a whistle blower, just asking. Hey someone’s got to lighten it up. It’s becoming unfathomable about how much the left hates President Trumps guts and ours as well for having the audacity to win the 2016 election and be the best President since Ronald Reagan. They can’t stand it and will do everything they can to destroy him including lying, cheating, steal etc. etc.

  2. I would not be surprised if a whole group of whistle blowers arrived In a bus and held a press conference on Capitol Hill tomorrow.

    How about Trump supporters bring real whistles and blow them at full volume when the Kangaroo Congress tries to hold their bogus committee meetings. A bit of political theater is always welcomed by the Dems, no?

  3. The cadaverous Nancy Pelousi has called up the reserves of deep state enablers and ordered them to the front after suffering humiliating loses by her front line troops. Her field marshal Adam Schiff has made several costly blunders that have put the insurrection in doubt.

  4. Nowut Ameen has the right idea. Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Cortez, Schiff and the rest (and not a few RINOs) need the equivalent of a Cease and Desist Order from the American citizens who have lost all patience with this. Short of having to fly or drive to D.C. to let them know in person, we should start a Cease and Desist campaign of some kind. Capra’s “Mr. Smith” brings to mind hampers full of telegrams — all saying the same thing: “STOP!”

    Can this get legs?

  5. “If at first you don’t succeed …”

    What’s the definition of insanity? The nihilistic socialist totalitarians are gunning for revolution – and we should give it to them. If the Oligarchs want a war, they may get one. They should pause and get someone to remind them of the repercussions of 1789, particularly on the Aristocracy. Again, in 1917 (in Russia) things didn’t go well for the “rich and famous.” The Demonrats want to maintain their culture of corruption – and expand it into every aspect of life – but that may not be what We, the People, want.

    “Be careful what you wish for; it may come true.”

    When the humans become wrathful, they can be … well … full of wrath.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Trunp should troll by creating and selling A tshirt that says Im a whistleblower too! With just a set of lips puckered, or just a whistle with Trump 2020.

  7. They could only muster 3 whistleblowers on such short notice because of the generous vacation packages that bureaucrats afford themselves.

    But if they hadn’t already booked holidays in bourgeois locations, that bus would have had dozens of whistleblowers on it!

  8. Sorry … that ain’t a whistle you’re blowin there, fellah …

    Squeeze the nads and twist while ya blow – the sound changes …

    (adapted from an old Greaseman routine)

    izlamo delenda est …

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