Whistleblower at Twitter Says Musk is Right -Platform is a National Security Risk – IOTW Report

Whistleblower at Twitter Says Musk is Right -Platform is a National Security Risk

  • Peiter ‘Mudge’ Zatko has made bombshell claims about Twitter’s security flaws
  • He filed a disclosure to Congress and federal agencies last month
  • The famed hacker said Twitter is vulnerable to hackers and spies
  • Twitter said: ‘Security and privacy have long been company-wide priorities’ 


Twitter’s board has been covering up its ‘extreme, egregious deficiencies’ that make it a huge risk to national security and democracy, and executives have no idea how many bots are on the platform, a whistleblower has claimed.

Peiter ‘Mudge’ Zatko, the social media firm’s former head of security, made the bombshell disclosure to Congress and federal agencies last month.

He claimed the tech giant is completely mismanaged with too many staff given access to central controls and the most sensitive information without adequate oversight, CNN reported. 

The whistleblower said bosses have misled the board and regulators about its security flaws that have made it susceptible to hacking, manipulation and disinformation.

In claims that will bolster Elon Musk’s legal bid, Zatko also said Twitter chiefs do not have the resources to know how many bots are on the site.

Zatko, who previously worked at Google and the Department of Defense, also alleged that Twitter does not reliably delete user data after an account is cancelled, often because staff have lost track of it.

Twitter told CNN: ‘Mr. Zatko was fired from his senior executive role at Twitter for poor performance and ineffective leadership over six months ago. 

‘While we haven’t had access to the specific allegations being referenced, what we’ve seen so far is a narrative about our privacy and data security practices that is riddled with inconsistencies and inaccuracies, and lacks important context.”


2 Comments on Whistleblower at Twitter Says Musk is Right -Platform is a National Security Risk

  1. “….also alleged that Twitter does not reliably delete user data after an account is cancelled, often because staff have lost track of it.”
    If you’re cancelling an account, the account is right there in front of you. How do you lose track of it?
    Every day, I’m more and more glad I never had a Twatter account.
    Just like every day, I’m more and more glad that I never got Jabbed, ClotShot, Vaxxed and/or Boosted.

  2. How are (voluntarily posting) pictures of your lunch (and dik) a threat to The Sacred Work of the FISC?

    (unless that’s not why Twitter [existentially] exists?)

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