Whistleblower Extends “Obmagate” To The Treasury Department – IOTW Report

Whistleblower Extends “Obmagate” To The Treasury Department


An exclusive Treasury Department whistleblower outline in the Ohio Star is almost an absolute match to our research on how President Obama constructed the political surveillance network during his second term.

According to the article in mid-December 2015 the Treasury whistleblower started noticing data-search transactions with the Treasury Dept. for specific people that aligned with the 2016 GOP primary. The searches included Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Donald Trump and his family as well as certain members of congress. More

14 Comments on Whistleblower Extends “Obmagate” To The Treasury Department

  1. Haven’t we been talking about Obama weaponizing the IRS against Tea Party and Patriot groups for 10!years?

    Didn’t those groups successfully sue the IRS?

    We’ve known about Lois Lerner and John Koskinen for nearly a decade. Both of whom live lavish lives on federal pensions.

    They won. We lost. Nothing resembling justice will ever happen to them.


    Why are we even talking about this?

  2. More bullshit. More innuendo. All of this goes exactly nowhere.

    Drop it.

    Whom “The Bachelor” is going to butt fuck has WAY more import than any of this nebulous governmental endless impotent investigation bullshit.

    From the comments of the regulars here on the last few dozen threads about government malfeasance, I think we all get nothing is going to happen.

    Shit, I’m sorry. I have bad days occasionally and this was one of them.

    So I’m gonna’ throw Fur a couple hunnert bucks to make me feel better for the shit come outta’ my mouth.

    Sorry Fur.

  3. Lois Lerner should have been in jail with years left in her sentence instead of enjoying a fat, federal pension – all thanks to the lying skunk Paul Ryan who couldn’t be bothered to investigate the obvious malfeasance by Lerner and Obama.

  4. As I recall, didn’t 3 billion dollars go missing from the Treasury Dept. during the Obama Regime? Hillary was also Secretary of State at that time. Nobody went to prison for that, so I’m not holding my breath that anyone will pay the piper for this either.

  5. When they let Lois Lerner off, that was like a great big giant “all clear!” sign to all those bastards that they can do anything they want.

    Who gave them the all clear? I’ll tell you who. Republicans in congress. The the doj or fbi let them off is a tired old excuse. Congress has oversight and the power of the purse. They can nip almost anything in the bud if they want to. But they don’t want to. We have republicans in congress to thank for almost every bit of this shit.

    Beohner, Ryan, Mcconnell, the whole crew. They are the filthy, dirty cops who hold the doors open for the liberal crooks to make a getaway. And you all know it’s true.

    The republican party is not going to save us from jack shit.

  6. PHenry: We might get some zinging sound bites before the two sides go out for drinks together.

    Miss Kitty: The Obama Administration was scandle free. Didn’t you get the memo?

  7. @Phenry – So if THAT is your sentiment? What hope do you have?

    You are referencing corrupt times, we are in a time of Reckoning, that was then and this is now… DJT is the exposing and disinfecting with a black light and infrared vitamin D the dark recesses of american politics and society. DJT is the like a good cop in a dark alley shining a light at the perps, the roaches, the dregs of society, the gutter rats.

    Now, THAT said, we all have weathered a major hurricane on our iOTW ship with @BFH, @MJA, @Claudia, @DrT at the helm, as a matter of fact since(?) a long time (you guys have been here a LOT longer than me), I would say we are in the eye wall of the storm now in 2020, the calm (the imposed ‘quarantine’ now) before the wall of the eye hits, the next phase of weathering the Storm.

    I’ll send a diagram to @BFH to better explain…

    Batten down the hatches, and man the stations. The summer is gonna be HOT.

    ‘Believe me’ – DJT POTUS


  8. @ghost

    Seriously? DJT is our last hope.
    I’ve been in this battle for more than 20 years, actively. Burning shoe leather. Dipping into my wallet to help finance campaigns, doing retail politicking.

    We lost Virginia and it likely won’t come back, but Blackface is inadvertently helping.

    I’m just down in the dumps tonight.

    Bear with me. I’ll be back.

  9. @PHenry – yes seriously,but DJT is not the last hope he might be a Renaissance of America, it aint’t gonna be easy by any means.

    And yes, VERY seriously, I say what I says…

    We lost NY after Pataki and Rudy so BELIEVE me, I know, OOOOH, I know. We Had Sr. Cuomo, Monkey Face, BEFORE THAT….

    So in the end? Who gives a fuck who is in office?

    Just keep Preppin’ then…I am.


  10. Cheer up everybody, I know it’s very frustrating that we never see any justice. In the end Obama and his partners in crime will get theirs, the guy upstairs is keeping a list and will not let the guilty go unpunished.

  11. despair not

    Americans always do their best when they are the underdogs

    the recent protests by Americans against the democrat governors should give us all hope that the citizens will not let the great American experiment go silently into the night


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