Whistleblower Has Information on the Uranium One Scandal – IOTW Report

Whistleblower Has Information on the Uranium One Scandal

Washington DC lawyer Victoria Toensing said on Lou Dobbs that she has a whistleblowing client that could have a significant impact on the Uranium One scandal.


Toensing’s client is an American businessman who worked for years undercover as an FBI confidential witness, according to John Solomon and Alison Spann at The Hill. The man was blocked by the Obama Justice Department from telling Congress about conversations and transactions he witnessed related to the Russian nuclear industry’s efforts to win favor with Bill and Hillary Clinton and influence Obama administration decisions, his lawyer tells The Hill.

On Monday Toensing told Dobbs her client knows what the Russians were saying during the bribery of the Clinton cabal

Lou Dobbs: Weigh for us the impact of what he does know and what you may have learned from him.

Victoria Toensing: …It’s quite significant. He can tell what all of the Russians were talking about during the time that the bribery payments were made.

More at Gateway Pundit

21 Comments on Whistleblower Has Information on the Uranium One Scandal

  1. Jason Chaffetz was on FOX and Friends this morning. He says he knows Toensing well and she’s a first rate attorney that law makers often deal with. And then he said “It is against the law for the Federal Government to stop a whistle blower”.

  2. My thoughts exactly, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ. Did Seth Rich have information on this? I would bet he did, or some other Clinton/Democrat scandal. Anybody’s guess which one, or maybe something we haven’t even learned about yet.

  3. “AG Sessions can lift the NDA agreement. DO IT NOW!!!”

    But, but, Mr. Pinko, he’s about to open up another can of whipass on MS-13. You can’t ask him to walk AND chew gum.

  4. If Chaffetz is right, “It is against the law for the Federal Government to stop a whistle blower”, and he probably is, he should know, why isn’t this guy singing like canary?

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