Whistleblower to tell House that US govt is ‘middleman’ in multi-billion dollar migrant child trafficking op – IOTW Report

Whistleblower to tell House that US govt is ‘middleman’ in multi-billion dollar migrant child trafficking op


A House Judiciary subcommittee hearing on Wednesday will feature the testimony from a whistleblower who will warn lawmakers that the U.S. has become the “middleman” in a multi-billion dollar migrant child trafficking operation at the border.

The hearing, “The Biden Border Crisis: Exploitation of Unaccompanied Alien Children,” will be held by the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement and will examine the surge in unaccompanied children (UACs) at the southern border.

According to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics, the number of UACs who came to the border shot up from 33,239 in FY2020 to over 146,000 in FY 2021 and 152,000 in FY 2022. So far in FY 2023 there have been over 70,000 encounters of unaccompanied children.

When child migrants are encountered at the border, they are transferred into the custody of Health and Human Services (HHS) and then united with a sponsor — typically a parent or family member already in the U.S.

But the Biden administration has been rocked by a number of reports that officials have been unable to make contact with over 85,000 child migrants, and more recently that administration officials ignored signs of “explosive” growth in child labor. A number have been forced into indentured servitude to pay back smugglers and have worked in dire conditions.

The Wednesday hearing will hear from three witnesses: Tara Lee Rodas, an HHS whistleblower formerly with an inspector general’s office; Sheena Rodriguez, founder and president of Alliance for a Safe Texas; and Jessica Vaughn, director of Policy Studies at the Center for Immigration Studies. MORE

10 Comments on Whistleblower to tell House that US govt is ‘middleman’ in multi-billion dollar migrant child trafficking op

  1. Catholic Charities N.G.O.
    Take the monies and run
    Chambers of Commerce and Property Managements
    Section 8s
    HUDs UP
    WIC ’em

    Money is the only thing their Churches worship.
    They’ll even run Abortion Buses if the Fee is right.

    Wake the F up
    You are only a walking wallet to these scum. The bible thumping ones are especially despicable. They advertise on Fox News a lot. Watch their advertising tactics to get a clue on how they operate and design their schticks. It’s pretty revolting.

    Sleep your fears away. Buy Me.

  2. Let me help ya’ out:

    The Inslee regime and Dow Constantine operation in King County as well as Woodard in Tacoma provide protection for the homeless camps that are nothing less than transparent fronts for Drug Dealing and Sex Trafficking Strip Malls run by the Mexican cartels.

    They are paid off with Soros money and far more likely than not the cartels themselves are also handing them paper bags containing cash money and or engaging in other payoffs.

    Washington State is the template for this.

  3. With Obama, Clintons, and Bush leading the way. The Clinton Foundation NGO has an an office at the start of the Darien Gap. Handing out condoms to protect the women and girls in case they’re raped. That doesn’t seem like a deterrent.

  4. The whistleblowers had best have all their proof in physical form, (audio recordings, video recordings, paper documents, et al) and multiple copies hidden away with a “dead man switch” (“in the event of my untimely death….”) before they’re “Arkancided”.

  5. I absolutely hate anyone in our government that is trafficking children around our country.
    I saw a tweet, I believe by Kari Lake, about an 8 year old little girl who was rescued.
    When they did the exam on her, the DNA of +60 individual men, was found in her body.
    God needs to increase the size and temperature of Hell for all those involved.


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