Whistleblower’s Lawyer Vowed To Have Trump Removed through #Coup #Rebellion #Impeachment in 2017 – IOTW Report

Whistleblower’s Lawyer Vowed To Have Trump Removed through #Coup #Rebellion #Impeachment in 2017


A few people have started looking at the connections behind Mark Zaid, the attorney for CIA “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella.  What is starting to emerge is evidence of what CTH outlined yesterday; the current impeachment process is part of a coup continuum, and everything around the whistleblower is part of a long-ago planned and pre-constructed operation.

This 2017 tweet by the whistleblowers’ attorney is evidence of what we were sharing yesterday.  A point that almost everyone is missing…. What is happening now with Adam Schiff and his Lawfare-contracted legal aide, Daniel Goldman, was designed last year.  The current HPSCI legislative impeachment process, and every little aspect within it, is the execution of a plan, just like the DOJ/FBI plan was before it in 2016, 2017 & 2018.

The use of a ‘whistle-blower’ was pre-planned long ago.  The agreements between Schiff, Lawfare and the CIA ‘whistle-blower’ were pre-planned.  The changing of whistle-blower rules to assist the plan was designed long ago.

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9 Comments on Whistleblower’s Lawyer Vowed To Have Trump Removed through #Coup #Rebellion #Impeachment in 2017

  1. What a monumental scam by the Democrat Party graft-mongers. A bunch of felons.

    Lucky they can’t get old 45! Even if they somehow swing an impeachment he’ll beat them. Read the transcript! That’s why it’s suddenly “blackmail and bribery” now. What a blatant fraud.

  2. Treacherous traitors, Lawfare.

    Look up Brooking Institute $$$, China $$$ and Lawfare $$$.

    Who hired Lawfare early on? Shiffty did to do the dirty work two years ago.

    Trap made, set and activated. Our trap.

    It’s a wonderful web that they are about to be trapped in without recourse and a true Swamp Good Creature 9yes they exist) a spider will kill it.

  3. I once would forgive people who voted for a democrat, many grew up with democrat parents and were in that fog of “democrats are for the working man/republicans are for rich people.” Democrats once hid what they were really for, especially in red states, they would lie their asses off. I can’t forgive people anymore, the truth is in your face. You are the enemy if you vote for a democrat at any level because you are voting against God, family and country. You are voting for communism, mutilating children, indoctrinating children.

    It is time either for a civil war or states to leave this union and then force ever person out of our new country that has even one liberal bone in their body. I’m fed up, I’m old and don’t have a lot of time left on this earth, but if something isn’t done my grandchildren are going to live a life of hell.

  4. Sorry to rain on this parade, but premier legal scholar Judge Nap has ruled that this is all perfectly constitutional and proper. See, this is just an investigation, all fine and dandy, just to make sure that Trump didn’t commit a crime of some type in the last 40 years in any federal, state, or local jurisdiction. Only a guilty person could possibly object to this process.

  5. Nowut, of course Judge Nap is the premier Constitutional authority (not) so everything is Okey dokey as you say. I have creditable evidence that Trump jay walked across 5th Avenue in 1975. Then in 1996 he gave over $300,000 to a terrorist organization, the NYC Veterans Day parade organizers. Impeach we must!!


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