Whistleblowers To Declare Upwards of 228,000 Completed Ballots Shipped Cross State Prior To Election – IOTW Report

Whistleblowers To Declare Upwards of 228,000 Completed Ballots Shipped Cross State Prior To Election

Got Freedom?

A Pennsylvania postal truck driver shipped estimated 144,000 to 288,000 completed ballots across three state lines in October.

Arlington, Virginia/December 1, 2020 – A national constitutional litigation organization, The Amistad Project of the Thomas Mo[o]re Society, is hosting a national press conference today featuring three whistleblowers who will provide personal eyewitness accounts demonstrating significant potential election fraud, some of which affects hundreds of thousands of ballots. Their affidavits are being used as evidence in litigation to ensure election integrity and the upholding of election laws in key battleground states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. More

10 Comments on Whistleblowers To Declare Upwards of 228,000 Completed Ballots Shipped Cross State Prior To Election

  1. I can’t understand how the “press” and “news media” can ignore these stories and the State-level public hearings! OAN is the only source that seems to support the idea that the public has a right to know. The blatant favoritism from the past few years and clearly turned into censorship. – Agree that charges and penalties should be brought.

  2. “will make a public statement about their eyewitness observations that may prove malfeasance on the part of election officials and USPS officials.”

    MAY prove malfeasance? At this point the only way things get turned is if they have a video tape of the boxes being brought into the facility, show them being opened, AND show a screen shot of each ballot for Biden. Short of that, it is a he said/she said proposition. Affidavit be damned

    i am tired…….

  3. This is what it looks like from the sidelines when an election is stolen.

    It’s like yelling “BOOOOOO!!!!!” at ref.

    The score doesn’t change. Funny how that works.

    Too bad this game is for ALL the marbles.


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