Whistleblowers to Testify on DOJ Protecting Hunter – IOTW Report

Whistleblowers to Testify on DOJ Protecting Hunter

Fox News

IRS whistleblowers are expected to testify at the House Oversight Committee Wednesday that they witnessed an “undeniable pattern of preferential treatment” for the Bidens, and “obstruction of the normal investigative process” throughout the years-long federal investigation into Hunter Biden.

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who served as the supervisor on the investigation at the IRS, and a second anonymous whistleblower bringing similar accusations, will offer testimony to the House Oversight Committee starting at 1 p.m.

The anonymous whistleblower, who previously testified before the House Ways & Means Committee last month, is expected to reveal his identity as a 13 year-special agent within the IRS’ Criminal Investigation Division and as a “gay Democrat married to a man,” according to his prepared testimony obtained by Fox News Digital. More

26 Comments on Whistleblowers to Testify on DOJ Protecting Hunter

  1. Oh we got ’em now. Don’t need an ass chewing from Jim Jordan, a sternly worded letter, or a stink eye from Durham. We have the swan kick, testimony from a “gay Democrat married to a man.”

  2. “Republicans’ IRS ‘whistleblower X’ is a gay Democrat in criminal division with 13 years at the agency”

    Why do we need to know he’s gay? Why is that relevant. We should make all gay people wear Tee Shirts that say “GAY”.

  3. @Brad – I think it’s an ‘Even this guy thinks the Bidens are crooked!’ type of thing.

    I recall a credentialed guy testifying to Congress a few years ago that Google alone swayed the 2016 election towards Hillary by at least 3 million votes via controlled search results. And part of his opening was that he was a lifelong Democrat who voted for Hillary.

  4. So step up to the plate. Are you claiming all gays are truthful. If so do you,on a personal level believe & support gays? I have not seen this revolation claim yet. Anything but. See, something is not right here, grasping at straws because poor poor Donny is going down explains this nonsense.

  5. Has an Oversight Committee “ever” brought criminal charges on any Government employee or an elected Official?
    This smells of Kabuki Theatrics with no outcome with the exception of publicising what is already known. The evidence of corruption and obstruction of DOJ’s Merrick Garland regarding the criminal activities of the Biden Enterprise.
    Does anyone expect Merrick Garland or the DNC Political Hacks at DOJ to now apply Justice equally to those they protected from Prosecution?

    What is the outcome of the Oversight Committees’ Hearings? Am I missing something?

  6. the guy i voted for did not shower with his daughter & does not sniff defenseless little girls. keep supporting the obama-meat puppet chink-grifter that shits in its pants.

  7. Ranking minority member Raskin seemed to put a lot of weight on political affiliation for the person he claimed would refute the testimony of the witnesses. I would think democrats would put credibility weight on a gay / gay married IRS agent willing to risk his government career to bring his eye-witness testimony before congress and the public.

    Can we put that aspect to rest now and assess the worth of the testimony of these whistleblowers based on their participation in the Hunter Biden investigations and not on their political affiliation assumed or otherwise or disparage their character rather than their eye-witness statements?

    From what I’ve seen of both their testimony, the Hunter Biden case experienced an unusual amount of delays, deference and coddling by the attorneys in charge of the investigation. I’m about an hour into the hearing.


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