White Genocide Professor Already Has a New Gig – IOTW Report

White Genocide Professor Already Has a New Gig

From Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

DT – When controversial radical egghead George Ciccariello-Maher announced that he was resigning his position from Philadelphia’s Drexel University effective Sunday, it was thought by some that he would have a tough time getting another gig. He blamed his departure on “right-wing” threats as he elaborated upon via Inside Higher Ed. After all, when you have a zany zealot who takes to social media to say that all that he wants for Christmas is “white genocide” and then blamed the Las Vegas massacre on the “white supremacist patriarchy” it hardly looks good on a resume to an educational institution looking to stay out of the headlines.

That wasn’t the case with the even more leftist New York University which moved quickly to add this unique talent to their already overflowing stable of leftist loons.

11 Comments on White Genocide Professor Already Has a New Gig

  1. The academic class wants the poor schlubs footing the bills to get murdered and dropped into a ditch. I don’t know about you, but this makes me less than enthusiastic about supporting these people.

  2. BREITBART COMMENT SECTION GUY totally nailed it. He said he’d wind up at N.Y.U.

    Looks like laws and morals only apply to Conservatives now. Others get exonerated for murder, an Antifa brat gets probation, racists get promoted.

    Time to secede from these people. You want white-haters teaching your kids and going into debt paying them to boot?

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