White House accuses taxpayer-funded Voice of America of spreading Chinese propaganda – IOTW Report

White House accuses taxpayer-funded Voice of America of spreading Chinese propaganda

Just The News:

The White House took the extraordinary step of publicly rebuking Voice of America, the government-funded media outlet with a wide foreign audience, accusing it of siding with the Chinese government over the coronavirus pandemic. 

The timing of the attack in an official White House newsletter coincides with the arrival of Mark Meadows, President Trump’s new chief of staff who was famous for his political tactics as founder of the U.S. House Freedom Caucus and has already reshaped the White House communications team. 

“Voice of America spends your money to speak for authoritarian regimes,” reads the headline of an item in Thursday’s “1600 Daily,” an online newsletter and email produced by the White House. “Voice of America is a global news network funded by American taxpayers. It spends about $200 million each year on its mission to ‘tell America’s story’ and ‘present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively’ to people around the globe. Today, however, VOA too often speaks for America’s adversaries—not its citizens.” read more

15 Comments on White House accuses taxpayer-funded Voice of America of spreading Chinese propaganda

  1. Hey lady, you’re not a free and independent press. You are paid by the United States. You work for us, not against us. Are you following the leftist path of NPR?

  2. It’s an obvious question: is the government’s totalitarian response to the virus based on stupidity or based on evil. The world population is 7.8 billion. The world virus deaths is 91,000. To find your chance of dying from the virus divide 91,000 by 7,800,000,000. I believe you will see your revelation.

  3. Amanda Bennett, the CEO of VoA, actually responded to the article by saying, “…(the VoA)is frequently cited by major media, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Miami Herald, and CNN, for their high-quality reporting…”

    Nothing more needs to be said. Fire her ass.

  4. How come the VOA which used to be the voice of anti communism and anti Americanism is now the voice of America sucks. I know, it’s probably the voice of massive indoctrination by the lunkheads and chowderheads in academia, the media, the deomocrap party and RINO’s as well as Hollyweird that began in the late 60’s and is now bearing it’s bitter fruit of hating everything that is good and decent and beautiful about America, except now it’s everything bad about God as well as American exceptionalism. “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.”

  5. It wouldn’t surprise me, NPR has become National Propaganda Radio. And All Things Considered is now All Liberal/Left/Socialist/Things/Ideas Considered, no other pro God or pro American exceptionalism ideas considered whatsoever anymore. I am John the Barbarian from Brave New World. Forgive me for ranting on Easter Sunday, it is the day of resurrection, let’s hope it is a day of resrueection for Americaa as well

  6. VOA, NPR, and PBS……Cut all funding NOW!!

    These taxpayer funded broadcasters have been using our money against us for far too long.

    If they are SO important, they will survive using ads like every other broadcaster.

  7. GEOFF
    40 years ago I told my kids the “n” in NPR STOOD FOR NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORKERS’S PARTY You see them referred to by their German acronym NAZI. I meant it then and it is still right today!


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