White House Announces Special Guests for State of The Union Address – IOTW Report

White House Announces Special Guests for State of The Union Address


Earlier today the White House announced special attendees for tonight’s State of the Union address as guests of the President.  The annual SoU address will take place at 9:10pm ET tonight and will be carried live on all networks.

From brave military families to hardworking local leaders, this year’s guests come from many walks of life. Each one represents the very best of America and people the world over.

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69 Comments on White House Announces Special Guests for State of The Union Address

  1. Rush looks good. Never seen him sporting a beard before. Keeping him in my prayers as he fights. Seems to be a lot of petulant children on the other side of the isle. Didn’t know evil wore so much white.

  2. Nancy looks like an upstaging lunatic, sitting behind him and making faces, mumbling stuff to herself. So typical, the average lunatic Democrat has zero self-control, zero grace, zero ability to see the good in anything they themselves have not authored. Immature, silly, pathetic, very sad.

  3. What a wonderful SOTU! Also, President Trump’s special guests are incredible and awesome examples why socialism fails everytime. America First! God Bless America.

  4. Nancy, Hoyer, and the rest of the shit-stains on the left dont like good news? Great economy? Minorities working? Strong military?

    Meanwhile, Pence, Rush, Scalise, and future Speaker McCarthy look proud as the rest of us are of this great President we have!

  5. I like the Paid Family Leave thing, but it should be set up as a pre-taxed account taken from the employee’s salary. It should not be extra-Constitutional under “General Welfare.”

  6. @Molon — Yes, and the Democrats all sat in dour silence over that declaration. They must want America to be a sanctuary for criminal aliens.

    So delighted to watch the Democrat contingent sitting there pounding out their own nooses.

  7. WHAT THE FUCK IS NANCY TURDBURGLAR DOING BACK THERE?!?! She keeps shuffling papers, and talking to someone in the galley. I’m waiting for Pence to reach over, jack-slap her silly, and tell her to sit there and clap like an AMERICAN, dammit!!!

  8. I seriously cant comprehend how the minorities in Congress on the left can sit there looking angry about minority unemployment being at an all time low…at least Manchin, Jones, and Arizona Cinnamon are applauding those accomplishments.
    If there was ever any morsel of doubt about how truly evil democraps are…this SOTU address should close that chapter for good.

  9. OMG this guy is GREAT!!! Bringing home that soldier…PRICELESS!!!

    …I half expect him to wind up by telling everyone to LOOK UNDER YOUR SEAT FOR THE KEYS TO YOUR BRAND NEW CAR!!!

    …Giving God the glory, medaling Rush, honoring a Tuskeegee Airman, angel moms, calling out Islam…he’s got it ALL!!!

    ..in your FACE, Democrats!!! USA! USA! USA!


  10. This was a great SOTU! Even with the Ds acting like children, they still couldn’t stop the joy of listening to our President Trump knock it out of the park and clear across the nation!

    Thank you, Mr. President!

  11. Nancy Pelosi surely has some form of mental disease or deficiency. Tearing up the speech? Who does that?! And her “performance” behind the president throughout his speech was just childish.

    There was not one instance during his speech that even remotely warranted the really pouty performance by the Democrats. But there it was – for all the world to see, so that’s a good thing.

  12. Why was the speech printed on larger tabloid format tripled spaced, on flimsy photo printing paper??

    It was a prescribed show, a mockery, a stunt, carried out by a…see ya next tuesday…

  13. It makes me want to violently vomit that speaker Pelosi didnt have the human decency or respect to applaud Rush Limbaugh, who has cancer…that stupid bitch should be ashamed of herself…can you imagine if Boehner or Ryan did that when obozo was president, and he recognized a person in the galley with cancer??? That, my friends is the difference between Republicans and democrats…

  14. Nancy Pelousey just showed the whole nation that she absolutely has no class when she tore up her copy of the Presidents State of the Union speech. And the democraps think they can win back the Presidency in November, it ain’t gonna happen. President Trump skunked the democraps with his powerful speech tonight. President Trump has become the best President in my lifetime and tonight’s speech was just another nail in the democraps coffin that they can’t get out of.

  15. If you go back and watch P.Trump; Nancy was reading off of his screen the whole time, go back and watch, she is keeping an eye on her crew but also looking over P.Trumps right shoulder the whole time and reading his words as he is.
    The left is done.

  16. By her disgusting behavior tonight, pelosi has opened the door to joyous mocking of her from now until happy day when she finally drops dead.

    Hopefully the event of her demise will be televised, so we can have even more laughs at her expense.


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