White House Doubts NOKO Test Was an H-Bomb – Just a JV Bomb – IOTW Report

White House Doubts NOKO Test Was an H-Bomb – Just a JV Bomb



But Experts Aren’t Convinced

Bruce Bennett, an analyst with the Rand Corporation, was among those casting doubts on Pyongyang’s test: “The bang they should have gotten would have been 10 times greater than what they’re claiming.

“So Kim Jong-un is either lying, saying they did a hydrogen test when they didn’t, they just used a little bit more efficient fission weapon – or the hydrogen part of the test really didn’t work very well or the fission part didn’t work very well.”



It Was Likely An Atomic, Not Hydrogen, Bomb Test

The test likely had a yield of between 1,000 and 30,000 tons of TNT — a similar level to its last test in 2013, according to Li Bin, a senior associate focused on nuclear policy at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The yield — comparable to that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima — fell well short of the destructive power of a hydrogen bomb, which would equal at least a 50,000 tons of TNT, Li said.


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