White House Ends State Dept. Investigation Into Origin Of Wu Flu – IOTW Report

White House Ends State Dept. Investigation Into Origin Of Wu Flu

Red State

Yesterday, Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki why President Biden wasn’t pressing for more information on the Wuhan lab leak theory. “We have repeatedly called for the WHO to support an expert-driven evaluation of the pandemic’s origins,” Psaki replied. That answer was very troubling, I observed in our story on Psaki’s response. Is there an American investigation still ongoing into the question from the Biden team, I asked? Because it doesn’t sound like it, from what Psaki was saying — and because we surely can’t trust anything that WHO concludes on the matter, given their prior actions.

Turns out that was a good question to ask. Because now there are reports that Joe Biden actually shut down an investigation into that very question. More

14 Comments on White House Ends State Dept. Investigation Into Origin Of Wu Flu

  1. WH doesn’t want to apologize to the American people that the virus was developed in a Chinese lab and whether by mistake or intentional, China gave the world this pandemic and Biden I believe wrote an executive order saying that it can’t be called the China Flu, Whuhan Flu. This is nothing more than Washington trying to change the public view of China and Biden. This will make it worse – fine with me. It will always be known as the Wuhan Flu, developed and released by the Chicoms.

  2. an ineffective use of resources

    But remember a $1.9T not-infrastructure plan, holding “trespassers” in solitary confinement indefinitely, $1.9B for capitol police who let “trespassers” pass, a commission report on “trespassers”, and impeaching DJT two (or more) times isn’t an ineffective use of resources versus trying to figure out why more than 3 million people had to die.

    Can the democrat agenda be any more obvious?

  3. We know it came from the Wuhan lab.

    You’d have to be semi-retarded to not figure that out. (A virus “naturally” transmogrified all on its own and “jumped” species in a wet market right near the lab and didn’t do that in some other shithole place with bad hygiene, of which there are innumerable places around the world?)

    The question is, rather, whether this man-manipulated gain-of-function virus accidentally got out (like a number of viruses from China previously have), or whether it was deliberately released.

  4. The problem for pResident Joey, and really for the U.S., is that a lab origin leads to a question of who and why. Since the U.S. was sponsoring “gain of function” work we should incur liability for release of this WMD onto the world. Since law suits always go for the deep pockets, and some semblance of rule of law, the U.S. would be #1 defendant in any suit and #1 for damages payout. It does not matter that the CCP screwed the pooch on this.

  5. Didn’t pretty much everyone here believe from day one Wuhan was the source? Remember Trump saying “China Flu”? I’ve been reading a lot of articles confirming it lately. Tucker Carlson also points the finger. Rand Paul got Fauci to admit funding it. A chinese party leader said they defeated the U.S. last year in a biological attack. How much more evidence do you need?

  6. China must consider Jackass Joe to be a good investment that’s turning out to be cheap at twice the price! From the standpoint of a corporate take-over, it’s a no-brainer… heh.


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