Breaking: White House finds no corroboration of sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh in FBI report: WSJ – IOTW Report

Breaking: White House finds no corroboration of sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh in FBI report: WSJ


The White House — after reviewing interview reports from the FBI’s probe into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh — found no corroboration of the allegations of sexual misconduct leveled against the federal judge, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing sources.

It was unclear if the White House had finalized its review. The report comes as senior congressional sources tell Fox News that the Senate Judiciary Committee has still not received the FBI’s report on Kavanaugh. Senators will be able to view the report in a secure area off the Senate subway.

Attorneys for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, one of Kavanaugh’s accusers,  late Wednesday slammed the FBI background investigation after it was revealed that the agency’s probe appeared to be over.

“An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford– nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony– cannot be called an investigation,” the statement read.


What corroborating witnessed? There aren’t any!

ht/ moe tom

8 Comments on Breaking: White House finds no corroboration of sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh in FBI report: WSJ

  1. The public is crying that the fake news cycle on this has ended. Put it up to vote, we cannot take another week of this Ford woman in our fake news. We need some fresh fake news. Hello…Brian Stelter???!

  2. It helps to keep in mind that the same faction of protesters are the people who believed in oblowme’s composite girlfriend. Remember that?! They also believe things like: Even if you’re white but say you’re black, you’re black. And this one: Even if you don’t have the right equipment to substantiate your claim, you are whatever gender you say you are. And this gem: Planned Parenthood is primarily a mammogram company.

    In the book “Smilla’s Sense of Snow”, the writer said the Inuits have 17 words for the word “snow.” In the world of the Left there are at least 17 words that mean “liar” but, oddly enough, none of them contain the actual root word, “lie.”

  3. First the confirmation of BK. Then after the mid-terms prosecute to the fullest extent of the law all the prevaricators and planners of this farce perpetuated on BK, his family and every taxpaying citizen on the united states. This should include sitting senators and others that have promoted blatantly obvious falsehoods. It’s time for a bloodbath in DC.

  4. I read that the FBI raided Brett’s house.They found icier his kitchen fridge and ice in his garage freezer!
    Clearly a racist who is unqualified!

    You all do know what color ice is?


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