White House Floats Their FBI Director Replacement List – IOTW Report

White House Floats Their FBI Director Replacement List

  • Ray Kelly, the former and longest-serving New York City police commissioner
  • Mike Rogers, former House Intelligence Committee chairman and former FBI agent
  • Former Assistant Attorney General Alice Fisher
  • Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.
  • Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas
  • Paul Abbate, executive assistant director for the Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services Branch
  • Former New York prosecutor Mike Garcia
  • Mayor of Colorado Springs John Suthers
  • Former federal appellate court Judge Michael Luttig, now executive vice president of Boeing
  • Larry Thompson, former deputy attorney general under President George W. Bush
  • Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe


ht/ C. Steven Tucker

20 Comments on White House Floats Their FBI Director Replacement List

  1. Hmm…
    No on McCabe. He only investigates if cash and prizes are involved.
    No one who was working under 0bama.
    Former Assistant Attorney General Alice Fisher? If she’s okay, then I’m okay with it.
    But don’t be throwing a woman out there just cause she’s a woman.That’s like picking a black guy as winner in a tanning contest. Meaningless.

  2. Mike Garcia seems pretty good but whoever gets chosen has to be squeaky clean, no political affiliations and whose only concern is to uphold and enforce the law. He or she has to be the type to take a look at what’s been happening in the Bureau as well as the DOJ over the past administration and review all the cases to determine which ones were tanked because of political interference. Case in point would be Clinton’s where it seems clear she knowing broke the law repeatedly and was not charged. Whoever gets the nod has to have the courage (if ordered by Sessions) to re-investigate and charge if necessary knowing full well that powerful DNC and GOP politicos and power brokers will be coming after them with everything they have.

  3. I love Trey Gowdy — very intelligent and knowledgeable, quick on the draw. But in his investigations of Clinton and Benghazi, etc., for example, I kept waiting for the shoe to drop. It never did.

  4. Mike Rogers was my rep before he left Congress. I attended a town hall he put on and was pretty impressed. I had no complaints while he was my rep. He appears to be an intelligent, no-nonsense guy and he is also a former FBI agent. I think he’d be a great pick.

  5. @root66 Rogers had some ‘splainin to do re his wife’s co security contract when Benghazi went down. Being a member of the Gang of 8 at the time afforded him the excuse of remaining silent, and he subsequently left the senate next election cycle. So IMO NO to Rogers. I think he’s a place holder like Mitt for SOS.
    On yesterday’s show, Laura Ingraham had Andrew McCarthy on and she floated Merrick Garland, to which Andy proclaimed an excellent choice! I thought both of them were on drugs, or either I was.
    FWIW, I hope he doesn’t nominate a squish to appease the Ds, otherwise FBI will continue to be a political arm, creating & chasing scandals.

  6. leave Cornyn in the Senate. We need every single R vote there that we can get and it’s too risky to have a a leftist from the Democrat Party somehow steal a Senate special election.

  7. I say Rep. Trey Gowdy. He’s already very familiar with most of the cases that need to be brought in the immediate future. He needs to oversee HilLIARy, Holder and Lynch’s arrest.

  8. #NoWayTrey. I agree w Trump that Comey was a show boat BS egoist. Gowdy is a brilliant legal mind, great orator & loves the camera. He doesn’t change his hairstyle every 2 months for his wife.

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