White House Highlights Ridiculous Bias of The NY Times – IOTW Report

White House Highlights Ridiculous Bias of The NY Times

This is a great bit of Forensic Linguistics to deftly highlight the inherent bias at the NY Times.

compiled by Hogan Gidley Deputy Assistant to the President & Principal Deputy Press Secretary.

8 Comments on White House Highlights Ridiculous Bias of The NY Times

  1. This should be helpful to all the idiots out there that still insist on reading the rag. Having the flaws diagrammed will probably slip right by them but it’s worth a try.

  2. Turley used stronger language to describe the Dems’ case, including “dangerous”. But okay, let’s go back a century to pick out his use of “slipshod”. I bet the Millennial who set the headline had to look it up. No malarkey.

  3. Remember this treachery if our nation devolves into chaos.

    At the very least, they do this to pander to their audience of imbeciles.
    At the worst, they are inciting civil division.


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