White House issues pro-Biden talking points for your Thanksgiving dinner and gets mocked mercilessly on social media – IOTW Report

White House issues pro-Biden talking points for your Thanksgiving dinner and gets mocked mercilessly on social media

Blaze: The White House released recommended talking points to be brought up at Thanksgiving dinner and faced merciless ridicule and mockery from critics on social media.

The proclamation came from White House chief of staff Ron Klain, who posted the talking points on his official social media account.

The list touted President Joe Biden’s accomplishments, including “tackling inflation” — which is still at record heights — and “lowering costs” — despite inflation still being a drag on the economy.

The talking points did not persuade critics on social media who took the occasion to slam Klain and Biden with bitter vituperation. more here

13 Comments on White House issues pro-Biden talking points for your Thanksgiving dinner and gets mocked mercilessly on social media

  1. This will be the most meaningful impeachment in American history. With any luck it will also include a lengthy prison sentence and subsequent painful series of lawsuits against the Biden Mafia.

  2. mickey moussaoui
    NOVEMBER 24, 2022 AT 1:17 PM
    “This will be the most meaningful impeachment in American history.”

    There will be no impeachment.

  3. Even the most obtuse liberal has to recognize the damage that the Biden* regime has done to the country. The price of food and energy, and rising crime has people’s attention.

    And a Merry Thanksgivoween to all the iOTW gang. Go Bills!


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