White House seeks $18B to extend border wall over next 10 years – IOTW Report

White House seeks $18B to extend border wall over next 10 years

FOX: The Trump administration has asked Congress to set aside $18 billion over the next decade to install or replace more than 700 miles of the barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

The proposal by U.S. Customs and Border Protection would extend the barrier’s coverage to 970 miles, nearly half the distance of the southern border. It includes 316 miles of new construction and 407 miles of replacement or secondary fencing, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the matter told the Associated Press.

The request is one of the most detailed insights into how the administration plans to carry out Trump’s signature campaign promise.

Trump has repeatedly promised to construct “a big, beautiful wall,” but offered few details of where it would be built, when and at what cost. His administration asked for $1.6 billion this year to build or replace 74 miles of fencing in Texas and California, and officials have said they also will seek $1.6 billion next year.

The 10-year plan resulted from discussions with senators who asked the agency what it would take to secure the border, the official said.

The plan also comes as the administration intensifies negotiations in Congress on a package that may include granting legal status to about 800,000 people who were temporarily shielded from deportation under an Obama-era program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. read more

11 Comments on White House seeks $18B to extend border wall over next 10 years

  1. Not good enough! They built the Empire State Building in 12 months.
    The wall should be built in less then a year. 10 years so when the next Liberal asshole gets in they can stop the building. No way!
    Get it done!!

  2. $18 billion over 10 years or $1.8 billion per year is a drop in the bucket to the $785 Billion slush fund Obama set up for cronies for fake “shovel ready jobs”. So quit ya crying regressives.

  3. No Congress can bind a subsequent Congress.
    That’s how the last money that was earmarked for a wall was stolen.
    President Trump needs to have Congress allocate the money and distribute it before his term is over, or the wall will become a swindle.

    Three things you can NEVER trust … oh … FOUR things:

    “Check’s in the mail.”
    “I won’t c_m in your mouth.”
    Politicians’ word on anything.
    Old man’s fart.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Waste of money that might be well spent on infrastructure.

    Kill off the “sanctuaries” and the bennies, infiltrators will self-deport.
    Why coddle these termites?

    Also- prosecute their enablers.

  5. To a point, I agree; “take down the bird feeder” would pretty much solve the problem as far as goes those illegals who come here to mooch. But I’m still in favor of the wall because I don’t want to see the criminality that is rampant south of the border finding easy access to our country.

    But by all means, let’s begin by enforcing existing laws and prosecuting illegality including being here illegally.

  6. NO DACA!
    President zero seeded the country with those people illegally.
    The cost from NO DACA – now and downstream – alone will go a very long way toward paying for any kind of wall.

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