White House: Tucker Carlson Is Not Credible – IOTW Report

White House: Tucker Carlson Is Not Credible


The White House on Wednesday spoke out against Tucker Carlson’s depiction of the Capitol attack, joining top Republican senators and the chief of the Capitol Police in condemning him for downplaying the violence. Unusually, the White House specifically called out Carlson by name in what Politico sees as a possible “escalation of tensions.” Spokesperson Andrew Bates said the the White House agrees with those “who have condemned this false depiction of the unprecedented, violent attack on our Constitution and the rule of law.” He added: “We also agree with what Fox News’s own attorneys and executives have now repeatedly stressed in multiple courts of law: that Tucker Carlson is not credible.”


The fact that they say Carlson “deceptively edited” the footage reminds me of The Sting.

“What are we supposed to do, call him out for editing the footage better than we did?”

20 Comments on White House: Tucker Carlson Is Not Credible

  1. When I sometimes find myself accidentally listening to White House or other govt spokesthings, I’ve begun hearing them in my head sounding like the adults in Peanuts animated specials. It’s quite entertaining.

  2. He never downplays the violence, but simply verifies the TRUTH that the violent were a very small number, may have even been FBI agents or similar (facial recognition software would be very helpfu), while everyone else was either escorted in, welcomed in, or otherwise behaved quite politely while inside (unlike the usual suspects and their liberal compadres that murdered and burned down cities all through 2020).

  3. It depends on what the meaning of credible is. Just as with everything else in the dictionary, the Democrats and Republican establishment have redefined credible to what fits the agenda of The Party.

    They are beneath contempt and the simple fact that I even have to explain it is evidence of what the fuckers have done to the education system.

  4. “Thomas Manger, the Capitol chief, said Tuesday that Carlson had “cherry-picked” calm moments from more than 41,000 hours of footage to present a misleading version of events.”

    As opposed to the Capitol Police who “cherry picked” violent moments to present a misleading version of events. Seemed like a “mostly peaceful” demonstration to me.

  5. Mostly peaceful, well heck that was those kind folks in Portland.
    Nice law abiding people, BLM & those Antifa folks. Very well mannered & law-following, they give their shirt off their backs to complete strangers.

  6. So in the same press conference where Jean Pierre called Tucker “not credible”, she drops this whopper:

    “To have said what he said when we saw police officers lose their lives is just shameful,”

    No cops lost their lives on Jan 6, but Joe continues to repeat the lie. Although 2 citizens were murdered by cops.

  7. why do i keep being shocked at how hypocritical these cretins are? why do i keep asking myself “how can they spew shit like this day after day after day after day and not blow their FUCKING BRAINS all over the wall? just when i think yeah; “i think i get them now. they’re vermin; i get it.”; they shock me again. it’s tiring

  8. Effers in the Wh1te H0use and Dem leaders in Congress are damned lying liars who blatantly lie. Caught in another lie so they lie. You can tell they’re lying because their lips are moving. If they couldn’t lie the assholes wouldn’t have anything to say. The only solice is envisioning these pricks standing in front of St. Pete at the Pearly Gates getting an asschewing before he hits the down button on the elevator to the hot place. And FJB

  9. Deep state versus all of us. Not R versus D, though the D really ought be the M (Marxist). Remember the Rs that get all squawky over this. Those are the capital E ENEMY of we the people. Most of the other Rs are lower case e enemies.

  10. A mostly peaceful demo it was. A mostly violent demo would have resulted in the White House in flames again (last time in 1814 or so).

    The democrap bastards look at the riots perpetrated by Antifa and BLM, where there is lots of violence and burning buildings and are nervy enough to call it “mostly peaceful”

    I can’t hate liberals and democrats any more than I do now.


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