White House Websites Now Ask For Users’ Personal Pronouns – IOTW Report

White House Websites Now Ask For Users’ Personal Pronouns

National Pulse

Flying in the face of basic science, the White House’s official contact form now asks if people wish to be called one of the following:

  • she/her
  • he/him
  • they/them
  • Other
  • Prefer not to share


45 Comments on White House Websites Now Ask For Users’ Personal Pronouns

  1. So now i’m suppose to remember everyone i meets pronouns!?!?!

    No thanks I won’t be playing this silly game. I refuse.
    Go screw yourself. you silly fool.
    Did I get your pronoun correct?
    Shut up! I don’t care!

  2. I unsubcsribed from the White House email list. Under reason for unsubscribing I typed, “Because President Trump. Biden isn’t President”

    Guess I’ll be heading to the deprogramming camps soon

  3. What’s so hard? My pronouns are he/him because I’m a man, have been all my life, and it’s in the nature of being a human being that that doesn’t change. Ever.

    But my answer to anybody seriously asking me what my pronouns are will be, “You are ignorant of biology, stupidly wedded to a hallucinatory ideology, apparently working towards a totalitarian society irreconcilable with human nature and basic liberty, and can go fuck yourself.”

  4. Ya know Al, ‘Christ Awesometon’ (my minecraft name) does the same job without being a run on sentence.

    Although…..you know me, always a sucker for the Oxford comma.

  5. Even plumbing parts and electrical fixtures and plugs are called “male” and “female”. There is no other way that I know of for them to work together. It’s a simple but workable concept that we encounter every day.

    There is, of course, power strips and computer components that we can think of as promiscuous, e.g., allow multiple plugs to plug in. But they did not “transition” from male to female, an impossibility.

    The so called cultural leaders and educrats think we’re too complicated for that brilliant idea of controlling flows of things so that they can help humanity.

  6. @Agatha Kakalogical:

    My preferred personal pronouns are you/yours. That should make for a lot of misunderstanding.

    Heh! I like it! Ok, then I think I’ll make mine “I/me”.

    Anybody who would want to say that I am a liar and full of crap would have to say, “Uncle Al, I am a liar and full of crap.”

  7. @Double Burrnia — Huh? No run-on sentences in that comment. Two were longer than the average millennial attention span, but neither had two or more independent clauses without suitable conjunctions of punctuation.

    I bet you’d prefer PowerPoint bullets (no more than four to a page) and a complete sentence nowhere to be found.


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