White House WON’T Say if Biden, 81, Would Personally Deal With a Nuclear Attack After 8pm – IOTW Report

White House WON’T Say if Biden, 81, Would Personally Deal With a Nuclear Attack After 8pm

This is like out of the sequel to Dr. Strangelove.

The dopey lesbian doesn’t even know the damn law!!!

I only mention lesbian because it’s obvious she is a demographic hire.

DM-Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was peppered with questions about his health at her briefing on Tuesday and gave a startling response when asked if the president would personally deal with a nuclear attack after 8pm.

She insisted he has a ‘team’ to deal with such situations, even though the commander-in-chief has the sole authority to launch nuclear weapons

Fox News’ Peter Doocy referred to President Biden’s comments to governors he would schedule fewer events after 8 pm and asked, if there was a nuclear strike, who would deal with it? The first lady?

‘He has a team that lets him know, any, any news that is pertinent and important to the American people,’ Jean-Pierre said. ‘It is National Security Council that gets to tell him.’

Jean-Pierre also said Jill Biden does not make decisions.

‘The President is the President of the United States who makes the decision,’ she said.

The U.S. President has sole authority to authorize the use of U.S. nuclear weapon, according to American law.

6 Comments on White House WON’T Say if Biden, 81, Would Personally Deal With a Nuclear Attack After 8pm

  1. She was a demographic hire… but the real reason she is there is that she can and will lie with a straight face, over and over. Even Psaki wasn’t that blatant.

  2. ” if there was a nuclear strike, who would deal with it? The first lady? ”

    Duh, no.
    Never forget the smartest guy Joetato knows: Hunter!

    That’s why The First Son does crack. His patriotism drives him to stay up all night with his hand on the big red button.

    ….Until Shitpants awakes for his first diaper change.

  3. The National Command Authority consists of the President and Sec of Defense- LLoyd Austin. The Vice Pres has no authority to give commands to any of the Combatant Commanders unless the Pres is incapacitated. Not that it matters that much since NONE of these people inspire any confidence for when the Sh*t hits the Fan …

  4. No worries. Old Joe’s Dementia will be used by the left for the cover up if he pushes the big red button, reaching for his aviator glasses…”an elderly man with a poor memory” – Thanks, RINO Special Counsel, Robert K. Hur.


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