White House working on secret healthcare plan with three conservative think tanks – IOTW Report

White House working on secret healthcare plan with three conservative think tanks


WaEx: The White House is quietly working on a healthcare policy proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the matter.

While it is not clear how far along the process is, work on a proposal has been going on for months. The effort appears to belie criticism that Trump’s decision to restart the debate on healthcare, an issue Democrats used to their advantage in the 2018 midterms, was an error committed without forethought.

“The White House, mainly through the National Economic Council, has been engaged on thinking about health care reform for a while now, and they have been engaged with a group of center-right health policy groups to talk about various proposals and ideas,” a conservative health policy analyst told the Washington Examiner.

The analyst said the administration has been “having conversations” on healthcare policy and has reached out to numerous think tanks, including the Heritage Foundation, the Mercatus Center, and the Hoover Institute.

“They’ve had conversations for the last several months and as recently as a few weeks ago,” the analyst said. “Before the president said what he said, they’d been consistently focused on working on a healthcare plan.”

Trump said Tuesday that Republicans would soon become the “party of healthcare.” The remark was surprising to many, in light of Republicans’ failure to repeal Obamacare the drubbing the GOP took in the midterms. Many Republican lawmakers insist that they won’t act on legislation until Trump comes up with a plan.  more here


But then there’s this:


Romney the Menace strikes again.

Patriot Retort: Senate Republicans aren’t too thrilled with the Trump Administration making moves to get rid of Obamacare.

According to the Hill, they are actively hoping this effort fails.

Of course they are.

You see, they fear that if Obamacare goes down, Republicans will lose in 2020.

And we can trust them.  After all, they are the same Republicans that said in 2013 that if the GOP didn’t go all-in on Amnesty, they would never win the White House again.

So the Senate Republicans have a plan.

Enter Mitt Romney the Menace.

Yes, the father of RomneyCare and the grandfather of Obamacare is working to concoct a replacement for Obama’s failing healthcare overhaul. That was, let me repeat, based on Romney’s healthcare overhaul in Massachusetts.

I wish I was kidding.

When the chips are down, and Republicans want to cave like Gentlemen Losers, Romney the Menace is there to take the lead by quickly rolling over onto his back and exposing his soft underbelly.  MORE

21 Comments on White House working on secret healthcare plan with three conservative think tanks

  1. Whatever it is, has to be better than Odumbass care.
    And they probably won’t need to lie about over and over and make people go on a website that doesn’t work.

    Romney can go piss up a rope.

  2. Somebody ought to look at the 10th amendment to the Bill of Rights. Because healthcare is not mentioned in the Constitution it belongs exclusively to the States. All federal healthcare is unconstitutional.

  3. Do you really think that the health care industry/insurance industry is gonna allow their troughs to get smaller so their fat pigs eat less?….HA HA HA!…..

  4. This all started with a simple need to have a national catastrophic health insurance plan that would have cost every taxpayer about $30 a month. It evolved into a monster like everything the government gets ahold of.

  5. They’re still fucking around and I’m still paying $310 for 1 vial of insulin.
    I cut back to two 45 carb meals per day and one 20 carb snack at bedtime.
    Because every time I eat, I hear a fucking cash register ringing.
    Thanks, assholes.

  6. That’s fine that the republicans can be the party of health care, but first I want them to be the party of border security, then the party of draining the swamp!

  7. @ EVERYONE before this post…calm down!

    DJT knows how healthcare DOES NOT work, he had to ‘provide’ it for thousands of workers!

    POTUS has been thinking bout this one for a long time:

    He is a father and a grandfather after all. People can say ” Oh he is rich he and his family have nothing to worry about”.

    But thats just it. He KNOWS he has it and he wants to make sure the nation is ‘covered’ compared to the shit sandwich of Obamacare and how it was passed.

    POTUS is working in Waaaaay more ‘secret’ things…rest assure, carry on and sleep…well.

  8. I trust the President
    It won’t be pie in the sky, but in the end the market will work in our favor.
    I speak as a man without insurance that has had skin cancer two or three times in the past two years. All out of pocket.
    I used to have a disaster policy. Cost me a hundred a month. It would not have helped in my nose remodels but it kicked in when I went to the hospital and went up to half a million
    I don’t need morning after coverage
    Nor sexual reassignment insurance
    Nor climate change insurance.

  9. Just Axin
    APRIL 1, 2019 AT 8:12 PM
    “How come the Affordable Care Act isn’t affordable?”

    …been to the doctor lately? The ones that DIDN’T retire, that is?

    ..it ain’t “care”, either…

  10. Scrap Obummer non-care. I’ll take note of any governmental health care ideas when they start to focus on COST CONTROL instead of bullshit socialist payment plans.

    Dammit, hurry up. My subsidized retirement health care dies in 9 months. I want to be able to eat between health insurance payments, you fucking pricks.

  11. The ONLY way the government could actually lower healthcare costs is to outlaw ALL third party payer schemes and allow providers to advertise their pricing. Give veterans a credit card for healthcare and that’s it.

    I’d bet at least a third of today’s costs goes to middle men and book keepers who keep the middle men happy.

    Let the market work.

  12. We don’t need a “plan.”

    We need Freedom and Liberty – the rest will take care of itself.

    Totalitarians have a penchant for systematizing and pigeonholing everything and everyone so that they have ready access to kill and coerce. Think National Socialist Germany: think Soviet Russia (efficiency of the Gulag): think Fascist Italy (trains running on time): think Mainland China.

    But I know how woefully ignorant our “system” (organized, unionized, standardized) of mal-education has made our younger generations.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. IIRC, the original HMO’s were for catastrophic health care. You paid for all your normal life miseries.
    Your premiums were very low.
    Then the courts said no, HMO’s must cover everything.

  14. I spend 90% of my workday taking care of a computer, proving the other 10% of my day is worth getting paid for. Charting for Medicare. Gut the bureaucrats from medicine and watch the costs drop like a lead balloon.

    Considering how much government workers love to be eliminated from their cushy jobs, this prolly ain’t gonna happen. But a girl can dream….


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