White House’s John Kirby Trashes Veterans on 9/11 in Email Accidentally Sent to Fox News – IOTW Report

White House’s John Kirby Trashes Veterans on 9/11 in Email Accidentally Sent to Fox News


White House national security spokesman John Kirby trashed a group of veterans in an email sent in error to Fox News on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

As Fox News reported on Wednesday, Kirby responded to an email query from Fox about criticisms by a veterans’ group about the Biden administration’s disastrous 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan by accidentally hitting “reply all” before disparaging the veterans.

Fox reported:

“Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe,” Kirby said in a “reply all” email chain Wednesday afternoon that appeared to be intended for White House staffers, but which also included Fox News Digital. read more

20 Comments on White House’s John Kirby Trashes Veterans on 9/11 in Email Accidentally Sent to Fox News

  1. Yes, they ARE of “the same stripe”. We are also of the same chevrons, crows, rockers, bars, oak leaves, eagles and stars.
    Unfortunately, this government is also of “the same stripe”…the wide yellow one running down their red & blue backs!

  2. …a few years back, we had an R&D gal working with what she considered to be a “difficult customer”. After one visit they sent an email which she evidently felt was too demanding, so she decided to share the email with an in-house colleague, complete with her added colorful commentary on exactly how she felt about that customer’s company and their representative.

    And failed to notice she hit REPLY ALL instead of FORWARD.

    ..long story short, she got them BOTH fired, and the customer got VERY favorable terms.

    …I bring this up in light of what President Trump said at the debate, that he comes from the REAL world where you FIRE people for being incompetent.

    Thats how it WORKS outside of Government. Screw up, get canned.

    Think THIS guy will get fired for denegrating his customers to their faces?

    …as President Trump pointed out, not with THIS bunch in charge…

  3. It pains me to quote this arrogant Idiot.
    One of the very few times John McCain hit the nail on the head;

    In October 2014, Senator John McCain disputed Kirby’s contention that the U.S. was winning its war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and called him an “idiot”.

    Kirby has not shed the label as the Political Idiot, water carrier of the democrat liars.

  4. Harris Faulkner had Joey Jones on to address this asshole on her show. Jones is ex mil, last his legs in the big sand box. Best take down of Kirby ever. It’s worth watching it if you can find it.

  5. OK, first, apologies to all conservative Irish folks out there.

    Second. An Irish fighter (can’t remember his name) was in the ring againts Joe Louis during I think the early 1940’s. The Irish boxer was doing splendidly against Louis. But in a later round, he got too aggressive and I guess tried to knock out Louis with one big punch or some similar tactic. Instead, Louis knocked out the Irishman and won the fight.

    Later in the dressing room, the Irish fighter lamented his loss and said: “Why be Irish if you can’t be stupid?”.

    That’s what I think about Kirby…but not every Irish person, of course. I’m about 1/4 Irish.


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