White Knuckle Rage – IOTW Report

White Knuckle Rage

How did Joe Biden take President Trump’s inauguration speech? Not well, according to a body language expert.

“Biden, by contrast, displayed a spectrum of emotions. Initially, he wilted – sinking into his seat, his fingers pressed against his mouth, and his gaze cast downward in a way that sadly suggested shame. He winced, glanced at his watch as if eager to be elsewhere, and eventually attempted a faint, sickly smile that looked more like an attempt to rally himself than anything else. At one point, he tried to mask a grin behind his hand. As the speech progressed, Biden’s frustration began to surface. His fingers meshed in a tight clasp, his white knuckles betraying anger.”


body language expert, Judi James speaking exclusively with Paddy Power Games

28 Comments on White Knuckle Rage

  1. Biden should be shamed by every U.S. Citizen and illegal immigrant that crosses his path.

    If there were any doubts of Biden being the worst U.S. President, with Carter’s death all doubts have been erased.

  2. “…his gaze cast downward in a way that sadly suggested shame.”

    ….nope. Not buying it. Shame requires self-awareness and an actual consience. Pedos like him have neither, having been turned over by God to a reprobate mind…

  3. He will be remember as Let’s Go Brandon. In other words, F*ck Joe Biden.

    The most overtly corrupt presidential administration in the history of the United States of America has finally passed.

  4. “…glanced at his watch as if eager to be elsewhere…”

    …you mean, like when they are having solemn ceremonies for the transfer of the remains of soldiers who died as a direct result of his malfeasance?

  5. He was definitely crapping himself. That’s what he do.

    Craps himself in his pants, craps on everything he can, has a mind that can only come up with stupid crap.

    Crap is all he’s ever been.

  6. In typical liberal, commie, democrat fashion;

    They are NEVER concerned about those that are/have-been subjected to THEIR horseshit, THEIR ONLY concern is how their shit has been received by those that hate liberals.

  7. Joe Biden is more of a fool than even old Neville Chamberlain, to whom someone attributed to him the sobriquet “Foolish Old Man”. He was the biggest fool of the 20th Century, waving around scraps of paper signed by Hitler. Biden is so far the biggest fool and failure of the 21st Century.

    And Pres. Trump could be America’s Winston Churchill, the right man at the right time. And I’m not saying it could not be a woman. The Brits also had Margaret Thatcher, who I think was a very good conservative leader but with limited support from the Brit population.

  8. Dementia Joe has no shame, just hate and rage. He’s sitting there as Trump rips him a new one, trying not to stand up and call Trump a liar. Dementia Joe is so corrupt and delusional he really thinks he was a great President.

  9. There’s a long line of enablers that need a neck tie party as well. Joey the puppet did,nt work alone. Until their vanished they’ll try it again!!! Wake up don’t think all is well, it’s not!! Baby steps won’t cut it…


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