White leftists are so sick of white guys – IOTW Report

White leftists are so sick of white guys

Two white morons and a reasonable black illustrator created a book called, “I Am So Sick of White Guys.”

During an interview they say that “even white guys are sick of white guys.”

How original and how progressive. What are the chances that these two clowns would be “so sick of white guys” had that not been told to be “sick of white guys”?

Uhhhh…. ZERO.

Leftists are idiotic lemmings.

And you know as sure as $hit that these two imbeciles specifically chose a token black illustrator for their project. THIS type of white guy I AM sick of.

Here’s the punch line-

They say they are donating 10% of the books profits to the Southern Poverty Law Center that “identifies and monitors hate groups across America.”

Well, I’ve identified two guys that hate, the guys that just donated 10% of their profits to you.

ht/ illustr8r


14 Comments on White leftists are so sick of white guys

  1. Sick of 97.7% of all inventions
    that make ALL humans lives Mo betta ???
    electricity medical radio TV cars planes
    air conditioning indoor plumbing paging
    John Crapper from England !!!

  2. If you’re a white guy who is sick of white guys, then you’re likely just sick of yourself, and killing yourself is the best solution for both you and every other white guy who isn’t a twisted, self-loathing worthless cunt like yourself.

  3. And most of us normal white guys are sick to death of weenie, emasculated libtard white guys who are nothing but lemmings. Always complaining and bitching and moaning because they’re the scrubs of life and don’t think it’s fair. Get over it, we don’t like you, go hang around with the womyn’s and rest of the freaks and leave us the hell alone. It’s like these jerks never grew up from being asshole hall monitors in Junior High, whoops my bad Middle School now.

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