“This is what white liberal women do. They’re a thousand times worse than Karens.”
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 22, 2021
The black woman whose children was assaulted by #antifa during an evangelical prayer event in Portland calls out a group of left-wing protesters. Video by @TaylerUSA: pic.twitter.com/w04EvJTozo
16 Comments on White Liberal Woman Absolutely Disintegrated on Camera by Conservative Black Woman – Walks Away With Nothing To Say
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Bad Hair Bitch with the 50s glasses ran outta gas so fast not even AAA will rescue that Kunt!!
So hilarious how the liberal woman pushed past the black gal with a a harumph! harumph! — trying to save her tattered dignity as though she thought she actually ever had any!
Run away! Run away!! hahaa!
Rachel Dolezal wanna be but uglier & fatter.
Bad hair, bad glasses, fat face, fat neck, phony smile and a grating voice. The beotch needed a bag over her head! Lucky for her she didn’t stick around.
Here’s a livestream.
Here’s another one.
When you don’t have a convincing argument to make, the only option left is to retreat – as shown here.
an overused phrase, but she is a w e s o m e
The fat ugly white liberal bitch shoulda been wearing a face mask.
What pathetic, lost souls – and ready to destroy our nation because they can’t get laid without paying for it. Shades of Bill Gates.
We have to leave them behind.
A BOFUB for sure
@ Whiskeycart AUGUST 22, 2021 AT 9:50 PM
A two bag BOFUB at that
Liberals/Leftists are depressed, psychic, miserable creatures – white, black or etc.
Misery loves company and when confronted by hope and truth it runs away!
^^^^ Oops, psychotic. BTW, doesn’t take a psychic to know the left are psychotic. LOL!
Smug loses.
So, any woman married to a man of God is automatically no longer a woman?
They no longer qualify as a person?
Those libs are so comfortable being miserable they can not handle light and not being miserable.