White Liberals Hate Living in Black Neighborhoods – IOTW Report

White Liberals Hate Living in Black Neighborhoods

My douchebag progressive brother was great for “raising awareness.”

That made him better than you without altering a single thing about his life. In fact, he owned a pick-up truck because “he needed one.” Meanwhile he ruined every family get-together with his froth speckled lectures about global warming.

Doing nothing about a problem except virtue signalling to everyone that he reads The Nation is all it takes to be superior.

Chrissy Hayes is a bit like that. He whines that white people don’t invest in ghettoes while he flees them. In fact, he goes one step further. When white people do invest in the black neighborhoods he whines about gentrification. You can’t win with these deep, do-nothing, thinkers.

Hayes is a special sort of dbag, the kind that should be punched in the face. And he has been, by a black guy. That’s why he moved away from the black neighborhood.

He’s a real piece of work, and so is his new book, rife with contradictions, but also with some amazing admissions.

Here’s one: He’s scared of black people. But don’t you infer anything of the kind. If you do, and you’re not a progressive, you’re a racist.

Read more.

ht/ really enraged

19 Comments on White Liberals Hate Living in Black Neighborhoods

  1. In Orange County, some of the most ardent liberals I know live in gated communities with private security. They want open borders, but there is no danger that illegal immigrants will move into their neighborhood. They fuss about minority lack of opportunity, but aren’t willing to hire any of them.

    I also listened to a radio program where the host and guests were worrying about the fact that young people who grew up in the ghetto and later found success, frequently as professional athletes, moved away. Of course they did; those neighborhoods are dangerous and not pleasant places to live.

    But we can’t voice any of these obvious facts and conclusions out loud, because that wouldn’t be politically correct.

  2. I give great credit to anyone so dedicated to the cause that they read his book. That took self discipline rare these days. And did it so we wouldn’t have to. Bravo!

  3. White Liberals throw up their vaunted Politically Correct, Liberal “standards” as a shield to protect and absolve them of being absolute hypocrites. For example, living in a gated community, like Michael Moore, is OK so long as you throw up the Liberal Shield of calling out the “rich” to protect you from any criticism for living a lavish life style. Then there is the “Global Warming”shield of talking about what WE need to do in order cure Global Warming, but it is really to protect them from being criticized for jetting around the world! (they’re “Carbon Neutral” doncha know). Electing the Øbamboozler as the Black man´s Messiah and the White Liberal’s shield. 95% of Blacks voted for him simply because of skin color, but White Liberals, voted for him because what he really stood for in their case wuz to give them absolution from the so-called “Sin” of “White Privilege” and a really BIG Politically Correct shield from any criticism! These phony baloney, plastic banana, White “intellectual” Liberals just can’t suck enough!

  4. White Liberals don’t know how to relate or react to Black’s, it’s just best to keep them away so nobody sees how uncomfortable they become when they see a real Negro.
    Black’s are for charity that shuts those Negros up and keeps them where they are.

  5. I bet this sissified wimp was beat up by a girl. He admitted the assault but he just couldn’t bring himself to admit it wasn’t a guy.
    Moochie would have made short work out of this pathetic wimp.

  6. They are now fleeing the areas
    they gentrified in Baltimore as
    the socialist City government
    destroys the police force and
    the goblins invade the once
    especially protected areas.

  7. Liberals are ok with living wit black people – so long as it’s someine else having to live with them.

    Nancy Pelosi should be chained to obama for the rest of her life. She’ll love it.

  8. In all fairness, black people hate living in black neighborhoods too.

    Not for the homogeneity. They’re fine with self-segregation. The “educated” ones like the narrow mindedness and diversity offered by Historically Black Colleges. Many move to Atlanta just to wield greater political power despite only being 12% of the US population. But they hate historically black neighborhoods for the usual reasons of drugs, crime, etc.

    White liberals gentrifying them out of those urban areas just causes more violent crime to spread to the suburbs.

    I used to work for a property management company and as soon as the city started pushing gentrification to “revitalize” those poor, benighted urban enclaves, we started getting phone calls from the city about which properties took Section 8 vouchers. Two years later, scads of Section 8 accepting low rent single bedroom apartment complexes started popping up in historically white neighborhoods as far as the bus lines would take them to the edges of the county. And the crime was imported with it.

  9. Dems hate people of color. They always have. Since the beginning.

    The only thing that’s changed is that they hide that hatred with a thin layer of self hatred.

    So it cancels each other out.

    (insert eye rolling emoji)

  10. Viewing this from a time when no one gave a f^ck, not unlike today about being gay or straight, or Elton John was just a great songwriter and no one cared what his sexually was. Back then no one gave a S#it. It was where you were. You grew up in it until something new happened. The only thing white liberals cared about was white liberals! Than they just continued on mindlessly being Democrats.

  11. If reality doesn’t match the narrative; they don’t change the narrative, they lie about reality.

    If you’re white and have enough sense to get out of the ghetto before the property values have bottomed out, you’re “abandoning” the LIPs (or the “minorities” who are crowding in). If you’re white and see the profitability of the low property prices in the ghetto you’re “gentrifying.” Either way, the white people are the victimizers and the ghetto-dwellers the victims. Nobody ever says: “Maybe the ghetto-dwellers should turn their ghetto into a garden-spot where cleanliness and peace reign – and the high values keep the speculators out!”
    Ever wonder why that is? Well, I do.

    “You don’t have to live like a refugee …”
    (dead white guy)

    The nihilistic/socialistic/totalitarian white guys will tell any lie that avails them of power and control over their brethren. And it seems that some people enjoy being cast as victims who lust for free-shit-handouts, and have no problem bowing and scraping before some maggot while muttering “yassah, massah” and being content with a dry crust of bread (it’s free, after all).

    It’s a tale as old as mankind and not likely to change.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Sounds like my libtarded sister who is forced, due to her husband’s highly paid job, to live in a large city in the Deep South. She rails against white privilege while sending her daughters to private school to the tune of $30,000 per year, each. She also listed her blonde haired, blued eyed daughter as Hispanic (due to a Mexican great grandfather) in order to use affirmative action to get into Stanford.

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