White-Owned Boutique Charges White People a Fee To Shop, But Not Black People – IOTW Report

White-Owned Boutique Charges White People a Fee To Shop, But Not Black People

LOLOLOLOLOL. Stupid people can make me chuckle at times.

Daily Mail-

  • In a since-deleted Facebook post, Civvies on Broughton in Savannah said it would be requiring customers to pay a $20 deposit to book an appointment
  • However, people of color would be exempt from the policy as the store of ‘mostly white staff’ didn’t ‘feel comfortable’ placing limitations on minorities
  • The store told potential white patrons that they could decline to pay the deposit on the booking form and a manager would reach out to discuss other options
  • Civvies said it wouldn’t accept appointments with any white customers who are simply refusing to pay the fee because they believe it’s ‘unethical’
  • However, the store’s owners appeared to do an about-face 24 hours later, apologizing in a Monday statement for any offense caused 

24 Comments on White-Owned Boutique Charges White People a Fee To Shop, But Not Black People

  1. If possible, avoid this store as if it was infected with The Bubonic Plague. Which, in a manner, it is. TDS Plague. “Get Woke, Go Broke.” Let this store be supported by the minority that it purports to love, while rejecting the majority that (used to) supported them.

  2. A “boutique” in Savannah?
    WTF is a “boutique” and why would anyone pay to go there?
    Sounds like some kinda hipster fag joint.

    Hope they go tits up.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Isn’t that actually really the soft bigotry of low expectations. So you just assume your minority clients are poorer than all those rich white folk shopping at a thrift store. And that says something about YOU and may not even be remotely based in reality.

  4. Duh. Penalize a portion of your customer base and your business will suffer. Morons. You’re there to sell people things they want to buy, not to try and change the world.

  5. In a related note, the Covid, sorry freudian slip, Civvies store on Broughton has decided to fire have of the “mostly white staff” and is actively looking for rioters, errr, black peaceful protesters to fill the vacancies.
    Owners planning on getting a huge payoff from the ensuing damages expected from employees. After that, they will declare bankruptcy

  6. Very Very Lucky that I’m not the guy who fixes their Air Conditioners.

    You would be surprised how a sudden an expensive repair can happen with a surcharge for overnight delivery.

  7. I feel sorry for businesses that were hurt because of government shut downs, however I don’t feel sorry for businesses who shot themselves in the foot after reopening. A cafe in Tulsa posted a smart ass sign on their door that basically called those not wearing a mask that they already said would not be served assholes. They thought it was so cute they even posted it on their FB page and when people started informing them on FB that no problem they wouldn’t be eating there anymore, they mocked them and told them they didn’t need or want their kind, they had plenty of loyal customers who cared about the health of others and weren’t selfish assholes.
    Fast forward a month later and they started whining about lack of business, having to cut hours, cut employees and begging customers to come in. When people laughed at them and told them why they lost business they stuck to their guns and said the health of their customers and employees was more important than money. As they’re now only open 2 days a week for lunch, I’m sure within the next few weeks they will close their doors and still blaming the virus instead of their own stupidity.

  8. This is what happens — what always happens — when your business is a front for “social justice.” It’s no use pointing out to one of them that you don’t buy their wares because it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside (like companies who tout “X% of all sales goes to X.” That may bring in the odd buyer or two, but it won’t sustain the business if the product is just average or below average, isn’t competitive in price, or doesn’t jibe with customers’ own political views.

    And to charge one group of skin colors over another is just straight up racism. No “soft bigotry” about it. You better have a store whose products are used exclusively by blacks, ’cause I can’t think of any other kind of store that can get by on just one kind of customer.

  9. …and by the way, if you use Snapchat, this is what the billionaire (many times over) thinks of our country. Give ’em your business/don’t give ’em your business. You decide.

    What’s terribly interesting to me is that is was posted as an internal announcement to Snap’s employees. I haven’t seen it posted or talked about anywhere since it was posted to their corporate website. The only reason I found it was because I was just curious about some stuff and rummaged around in their website.

    This is the most nauseating part, but the rest of it is so creepy and ignorant, it’s hard to know what is worst.

    “In the US, we have learned that we cannot move forward without acknowledging our past and recognizing that we are here today at the expense of other people. The wealth of our nation was built on stolen land and stolen labor: enslaved people laid the economic foundation for our national prosperity, as did the forcible taking of expansive lands from indigenous people. Our headquarters in Los Angeles sits on land originally belonging to the Chumash and Tongva.”

    Here’s the rest of his screed:


    I do not think this was intended for external publication. It is directed by the CEO to Snap, Inc.’s employees.


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