White Professor Who Wished For White Genocide For Christmas Resigns Post – IOTW Report

White Professor Who Wished For White Genocide For Christmas Resigns Post

Why doesn’t the idiot lead by example and light himself on fire, like a Buddhist Monk, and make a huge statement about the white genocide he craves?

Is his white wife and white kid part of the genocide? Should I be hoping for crib death, you know, to see to it the good man gets a little piece of what he’s wishing for?

Too harsh? Think about it. This schmuck, with the real life novelty nose and glasses, is hoping Christmas will bring death to your white kid.

Well, he’s out of a job at Drexel.


21 Comments on White Professor Who Wished For White Genocide For Christmas Resigns Post

  1. What a piece of shit.
    Lead by example and kill yourself if you hate your white self so much. Go ahead! Or are you a better whitey than all the other whites? Is that it? Hitler had that same theory, too.

  2. no loss, he’s only an assoc prof, not a full prof. plus he’s been an assoc prof for the past 7+ years so if he didn’t resign he would’ve been let go soon because he just not full prof material. i’m sure it was just his hair cut that did him in.

  3. One of those Philly Ghetto pitbulls needs to lick those Oreo crumbs off his chin.

    March in the Mummers Parade naked on Monday if you want more news coverage. Otherwise, go to Hell, you wack-job.

  4. Typical.
    A Conservative sees the ills of the world, and says to the crowd: “I see this and I am changing my ways. Who’s with me?
    A Liberal sees the ills of the world, and says to the crowd: I see this, and Y’all need to change your ways. I will supervise.

  5. Is The Fuller Brush Co. still in business? And do they really have an item like a Fuller Brush Scrotum Scrubber? There is an old Red Skelton movie from either the late 40’s or early 50’s called The Fuller Brush Man which is actually quite funny which I saw years ago on the late night movie.

  6. geoff – The Fuller Brush Co is still in business, however I have no idea if they have such a device!
    I’m just guessing that a three-named, squinty-eyed, Leftist, nut-job Perfesser with hair like that who wants to die probably has one!

  7. Typical socialistic hypocrite.

    “All white people should kill theirself … uhh … well … not ALL …”

    And this flaccid-ass shambles off the stage without doing anything meaningful.
    He can still earn a living as a cum-bucket for the homeboys.
    25 cent a load. Give Hines some competition.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. “The constant controversy created a backlash for the university, prompting an inquiry into the professor’s behavior after donors started reconsidering their partnership with the institution.”

    That’s the real reason he was forced to resign. “donors started reconsidering their partnership with the institution.” Money will do it every time. Good, the righties kept on his ass and he got his just reward. Good news keeps on rolling in. Put a pair of flannel jammies on him and he’d pass for pajama boy.

  9. It was universally agreed that Manson was a racist lunatic when he believed blacks would wipe out all whites, except for himself and his “family”. They would be spared because blacks couldn’t run things on their own.

    All these lefties wishing for the destruction of the white race believe the same thing as Manson…and we’re the racists?

  10. RottyLover,
    James Hines – the only guy ever banned for life from iOTW.
    A pathetically retarded individual who couldn’t stop.
    So Mr. Hat stopped him.
    (and I’m risking being banned for mentioning him)

    izlamo delenda est …

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