White Racial Slurs -I’m Amused and Not At All Offended – IOTW Report

White Racial Slurs -I’m Amused and Not At All Offended

Words are not violence.

PJ Media

Auburn’s Black Student Union recently circulated a list of racial slurs for white people.


Here is a comprehensive list. I will put an asterisk to the left of the ones that amused me. The batting average is poor. Most lack wit, poetry, snappiness. They are clunky and not memorable. It takes brains to be a writer, even if it’s just a 2-word term. Dozens upon dozens of slurs here and none as clever as Talcum X.

Mermaids maniacs

Plantation barbies

vanilla vulture 

rice rascals 

milk cricket

People of colonial complexion 

cheese skins

bleach demons 

flour monster

discharge doggie

saltine cracker

sour cream salamanders

cave dweller



yeast maggots 

snow pigs 

milky munchers

yeast yeti 

*no purpose flour 

iphone on light mode

iron golem 

plaster people

dandruff flake

salt shaker

chalk child

toilet paper roll

sour milk

snow possum 

*palm coloured ones

blue cheese demon

lice lieutenant 

coke rabbits 

dust mites

snow roaches

plaster demons

oreo filling

chalk dust

unedited google document

unseasoned chicken


pale lice

cotton ball

unedited google doc

albino ape

unseasoned urchins

*flour bags

pasty parrots

failed abortions

semen skinned


dandruff dalmations

Powder patch kids

Mayo militia


Vanilla Gorilla

Spiceless girls

string cheese

ranch raccoon 

Mayo Mutations 

*the uncolored

Gmo people


the bright people

pale sailors

clear folk

snow geckos 

Soggy Toilet paper sheets 

Cocaine Chameleons 

rice krispies

Mayo monkeys

Plain paper

The Cold Ones



Sour Cream Citizen

light mode leeches

*Klu Klux Karen

Green gremlins 

Snow blenders 

Walking corpse 

mayo packets

Yeast infection 

Sugar sardines

Dandruff demons

Nut keepers

elbow crust

dried cum

white blood cell

Mashed potatoes

Marshmallow minions 

Yeast demons

dandruff paper

cracka jacks

neanderthal monkey 

Copy and paste

Skin stealers


mockery of humanity

what happened to the original plot of the movie people

lacking of melanin

non pigment

pigment losing creatures 

diseased neanderthals

unclothed beasts

white enough to sunburn

wispy clouds

deformed dna


mutated beings

lice crawlers


walking ranch

shaved monkeys

default color

pale faced


walking napkins

mutated vermin

translucent people

shaved rats

mole rats

albino pigs

albino monkey

albino rats

diseased albino monster

not meant to exist

white “people” was just god experimenting

rally of unshaved beasts

decomposing form of humanity

manifest destiny

delusional lice

bobble head white

ashy but you can’t see it

don’t know how to bathe properly 

stinky smelly white roaches 

cracker monster

ghost walker

monstrous like beings

walking snowflakes 

ice walkers

colonizing vultures

white meat 

years worth of dirt caked up that you can’t see

untamed beasts

blank paper

invasive species



*thin lipped monkeys

saggy white beasts

don’t bathe with a rag

dirty ears

lice invaders

dandruff shakers

sun like monsters

pale freaks

book walking monsters

white blood suckers 

albino mosquito


bald by the age of 25

colonizer genes

cop supporters  

unreadable chromosomes 

producs of incest

Mayor monkeys

 all purpose granulated sugar Pillsbury doughboy

 salt shaker

 papier-mâché people

 white paper towels 


Betty Crocker

winter wallabies e

freezer burn 


paper straws

powdered sugar

crest 3-D whitening strips

 pillow people 

parchment paper

wax figures

popcorn ceiling

micro organism

polar bears l

cream filling

reverse steve

cousin lovers

Mayor monkeys

* salt shaker

 papier-mâché people

 white paper towels 


Betty Crocker

winter wallabies

freezer burn 


paper straws

powdered sugar

crest 3-D whitening strips

 pillow people 

parchment paper

wax figures

popcorn ceiling

micro organism

polar bears l

cream filling

reverse steve

Culture vultures

Crack substances 

Contaminated paper 

*Corn starch 

Go Snow blasted 

Ghost Thugs

Cotton I wouldn’t pick

Racist rascals

anthropomorphic hairless cats

Elon Musty

99p vanilla soft serve

ranch raccoons

marshmallow minions 

2 week old greek yogurt

goat milk

unwhipped cream

vanilla villains

uncleaned chalkboards


grandma’s pubes

fresh tampon


frosty the snowman

Glue bottles


People of no colour

Cornstarch Corinthians

Bleach flamingos

Ranch rangersCotton pads

Sundown sister

Sun Screen Lotion

Pink Africans 

Milk crickets

Elbow Ash

Christopher Columbus stans

Pink African 

IPhone light mode 

Unflavored Monkey 

Vanilla Beast

Coconut Comrade

Frosted Fairies

Home Depot white paint

Albino Lizard 

Styrofoam cup

Cum cookie

Transparent PNG file

Night Lights

Whitening Toothpaste

Powdered Donut(s)

White Cheddar Popcorn 

Lice Leader(s)

Cum Crystal(s)

Chalk Crab(s)

Columbus cadet 🙂

Magic Mayo ppl

ready salted crisps without the mf salt

Cream Cheese Confederates

Bleach Foaming spray

Mystery Airhead


Pasta parasites

Bleach bandit

teabag trespassers

Clammy Klanny 

Palm-coloured Patricks

Vanilla Villians

45 Comments on White Racial Slurs -I’m Amused and Not At All Offended

  1. After ending up with one of their construction screws in a brand new set of Michelin LTX tires I called the crackers living next door a Bunch Of Dumb Assed Inbred Southern Nut Cutters One Generation Out Of The Hills And Hollers Of West Virginia. They are still so pissed of about what I called them you’d need a framing hammer to drive a ten penny nail up their ass.

    The Auburn Black Student Union better up their game if they want to hang with me.

  2. you forgot … Melatonally Perfected

    had an old black guy I worked with, one day asked me why do we call his people ‘colored’?

    white folks are born pink,
    get yellow when they get sick when they’re babies
    get white as they grow up,
    get brown bumps all over them,
    get green when they’re sick,
    get red in the sun,
    get gray when they die,
    turn black in the coffin.

    I just smiled, winked & replied … we’re all pink on the inside, baby.

  3. *the uncolored

    If I recall correctly from elementary school art lessons, black is the complete lack of any color whatsoever, and White is the combination of the entire spectrum.

  4. No one should be offended by any slurs unless you feel it hits home.

    I don’t even know what a cracker is. Is it the savory treat, or the “whip cracker”? I don’t get it, therefore it doesn’t resonate.

    I’m not saying slurs toward ethnicities cannot be hurtful, but for the most part they are just stupid, trite generalizations. I’d much rather get granular if I mean to inflict harm and talk about their ugly sneakers. That would really be painful.

  5. If blacks are truly offended, it wouldn’t be in their lexicon.
    They use it in music, to greet one another, etc.

    I do agree Fur, that being called an asshole should be a bigger offense than nearly any other word when you think about it.
    I doubt any blacks really takes serious offense, they just want to gain some power by policing who can and can’t say the word.

    They really can’t come up with an equivalent word for Whites, so they simply call every White person racist.

    Think about it though, years ago you rarely heard the term “white supremacist.”
    Now it’s used to denounce any & everything they don’t like or agree with.
    That is the new leftist cudgel…

  6. I’m thinking the white gay student union actually wrote that list for them. And then cried all night. Dear Auburn’s Black Student Union, you can call me anything you want, just don’t call me late for the watermelon. If you weak bastards let some one else define you, and live by it, you should just kill yourself and get it over with.

  7. This stupid, lame list of “insults” against whites seems the handiwork of Demwit Millennials. They don’t have much imagination. “Frosty the Snowman?”, “Glue bottles?”, “Lightbulbs!?”… WHAT!? Not insults. That list is childish – an effort in futility.

  8. I can only think of one TRULY insulting word. A word that embodies fear and hate, centuries of slavery and torment, a word for those who mock God and denigrate man, a word for those who act on the vilest human impulses ever to oppress and even destroy their fellow man. A word SO foul that it describes EVERY American slave owner, every politician that fought to preserve slavery, and every politician that stood against civil rights. A word that encompasses members of the KKK and persecuters of Christans, destroyers of the Black community and deriders of the very foundations of the United States. A word for people who would destroy economies, start wars, and cause mass starvation all in an unslakable thirst for personal political power. A word for people who would use the law as a weapon even as they destroy the rule of law. A word for people who steal half the income of every American and use it to aggrandize themselves, foment wars, and imprision the very people they steal from. A word for people who would poison their own citizens physically with a biological weapon that was supposed to fight another biological weapon which they ALSO created. A word for people who teach children to reject the body God gave them and deny their own DNA.

    A word for the most powerful evil of our time, second only to satan himself and who serve the devil and would usurp even his throne in hell.

    This is the most vile word in the English language, steeped in hatred and bitterness and covered in the blood of millions of innocents from unborn babies to murdered seniors, and laughing in gleeful anticipation of the blood of millions more to come.

    This most disgusting of words, this most vile of monikers, this one name above ALL others that should make ANY people, but most especially BLACK people, recoil in horror and revulsion, is simply this.


    I’m sorry I had to say that.

  9. If black people are spending that much time and energy thinking up alternate names for white people it may explain bad grades in school.
    They should put their brain power into actual learning.
    Like Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson and other wonderful role models.

  10. …you would think people who pride themselves on coming up with amusing battle raps on the fly and “playing the dozens” would be MUCH more creative than this, but you’d be wrong…

  11. This has been an excellent read. Much thought put in by many and it should be required reading for the Auburn Black Student Union.
    Sometimes people should open their minds before their mouths.

  12. I couldn’t care less what they call us but they use the N word as a license to beat the shit (in a group of course) out of us.There should not be a word in the English language that we can’t use.

  13. I didn’t see “racist” on the list, I wonder how they could have overlooked that one.

    Betty Crocker was repeated.

    The pejoratives weren’t that offensive, crude and ugly at times by mostly puerile and stupid, like their hearts really weren’t in it so the insult never really lands.

  14. The best part of their lame attempt to be offensive is when you smile and smirk at their childish antics and they get really pissed because you aren’t offended.

    It’s hilarious that your smirk and slow shake of your head insults them even more than their over-the-top effort does you.

    Lefties have given me a lot of practice at this. While sitting out back with my friend, the 20-something BF of his youngest step daughter came and sat with us and remarked about a lefty sitting with a couple of conservatives like it was a big deal his friends would find special.

    We just looked at each other and shrugged.

    They really do live in a false world.

  15. I learned in Boot Camp in 1969, a tumultuous time, every person to my right and left were OD Green.
    Every person regardless of ethnicity was evaluated by their character, knowledge and experience. Any person who fails any of the three, will get you killed.

  16. I have a cousin who was a teenager in the 60’s and living near Paris, France as his dad was stationed there with the Air Force. He and some of his American buddies formed a rock & roll band and called themselves the Honkers. That was what the Air Force brats called French people because of their huge noses.


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