White SJW Shia Labeouf Tries To Rile Up Black Bystanders By Shouting “Racist” – IOTW Report

White SJW Shia Labeouf Tries To Rile Up Black Bystanders By Shouting “Racist”

Chronic retard Shia Labeouf has been shackled by the white man, just like his black brothers. He wasn’t served french fries by a white bartender in a bowling ally. So he tries to gin up support for his cause by exploiting dumb black folk who will simply spring into action if they hear the word “racist.”

Good try, Shia. God knows it’s worked in the past. But someone involved has to be black before the black people care.


23 Comments on White SJW Shia Labeouf Tries To Rile Up Black Bystanders By Shouting “Racist”

  1. I honestly don’t know who he is. I’ve seen the name in print before but didn’t know which of the 10 available genders or the multitude of races this person is until I watched this. Is that his real name or his stripper name?

  2. Too many years of sexual abuse at too young an age have definitely had a negative affect on this guy.
    (I believe the use of the word “affect”, as opposed to “effect”, is correct in this instance. Though either would be acceptable. Correct me if I am wrong.)

  3. @Joe Squid April 7, 2017 at 10:02 am

    Why, Mr. Squid! You cinephile! Do you know how rare it is to find a person that even knows he has a film out? You’re far to posh for these parts.

  4. Brad – okay I looked up 5150. It’s almost the same as the NYS MHL Section 9.41 but it requires two physicians to certify that the guys is bonkers (also called a 2PC). NYPD could have used that perhaps after his arrest at the museum.

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