White student beaten to death at school founded by Lebron James – IOTW Report

White student beaten to death at school founded by Lebron James

We need fist control. Does it matter that he wasn’t shot by an AR-15?


An Ohio teenager was beaten to death over an incident involving a water gel gun, according to police. Three men were arrested in connection with the deadly beating at a school that was founded by NBA star LeBron James.

Ethan Liming, 17, was found beaten to death on June 2 in the parking lot of I Promise School in Akron which was established by James, according to Akron Police Department Chief Stephen Mylett.

Liming was one of four juveniles who were at the parking lot that is close to basketball courts, according to witness interviews.

“Shortly after their arrival, they got out of their vehicle, and at least two members of occupants of the vehicle started discharging a, what we know now to be a SPLATRBALL Water Bead Blaster,” Mylett said. “They started discharging it at the direction of four individuals who were playing basketball on the basketball court.”

The people playing basketball initially ran away from the juveniles with the water guns. However, the individuals then allegedly followed the juveniles back to their car in the parking lot.

“A confrontation occurs. Ethan Liming is assaulted, and a fight ensues. At the conclusion of it, Ethan Liming is dead,” Mylett said.


33 Comments on White student beaten to death at school founded by Lebron James

  1. I live in Crack-run, yeah that’s what we call Akron…
    Always top 5 for Crack in the nation per capa if were not number 1.

    No sane person, black or white, would be walking at night in this neighborhood alone. It’s not safe and anyone who says it is, is a outright LIAR!

    Blame these kid’s families for NEVER teaching these children NOT to point a gun, any gun, real or toy, at another living person.
    Now they must live with the consequences of these decisions.

    This is the kind shit that happens when you don’t have both a mother & a father in a home as positive role models.

  2. I can see the white kid Ethan is going to be blamed for his own beating death by the remarks of the Chinese chicken. It sounds like a set up to me, what kind of friends would leave a dead friend if they had nothing to do with it.

  3. The article was vague about which group was playing basketball and which group shot the water gun at who. Is this just sloppy reporting or designed to obfuscate who started this?

    What I surmised is the white kids were playing ball, black kids assaulted them with the water guns, white kids tried to get away, ran back to their car, thugs followed them there and the fight ensued, kid was killed. Did I get that right?

  4. Madame X, Welcome to democrat stronghold Crack-run
    Here’s your first life lesson of today. Accept it.

    Never point a gun, real or toy, at another living human.
    It could get you killed.

  5. In about 1964, when I was 12, a friend and I were shooting hoops at a schoolyard in a black neighborhood (long story why we were there). Pretty soon we found ourselves surrounded by a bunch of black kids demanding money. We got the hell out of there as fast as we could.

    At about the same time, a new kid, Neil came to my all-white grade school. Neil was black. He was instantly accepted, and was very popular for the one or two years he was there.

    That’s the difference. And I don’t think it’s going to get any better anytime soon.

  6. Tony you got it all wrong. This wasn’t a racial incident.
    The “killers” were not the original first aggressors.

    There aint no basketball hoops in that parking lot. Liming & company were getting their jollies off driving around shooting unsuspecting people with their toy gun. They pick the wrong people & it had a price.

    This was not children being children as Liming’s father put it..

  7. I remember hearing about 60 years ago, when a scuffle became other than one on one,
    Two against one that’s nigxxx fun. I have been unable to verify that it was more than a local very small town truism.

  8. Donations can be made in Ethan Liming’s name to Planned Parenthood – Akron Health Center, 444 W Exchange St, Akron, OH 44302.

    Planned Parenthood … graduating negroes since 1916.

  9. Chinese chicken, you must be under the impression it you tell a teen not to do something as “point a toy gun” at somebody that they will listen. You in fact don’t know what the parents told the dead teen about guns or if he had two parents in the home. We do know that he was beat to death for shooting a gel gun at grown men and his “friends” left him to die alone.

  10. If you carry a gun, make damn sure it’s a real one, no matter what neighborhood or business district you are in.

    Being shot with a splatter ball isn’t cause for murder, certainly it would be cause for a verbal altercation and possible fight.
    Not three against one and kicking, stomping and smashing the kids head against concrete when they’re down.
    With Slum Slugs there are no rules.
    These three future nuclear scientists will be free in less than 5 years (if that). And back on the streets with new skills.

  11. As a kid we shot waterguns at each other all the time. In my opinion it’s the fact that all this “acceptance” and “sensitivity” BS doesn’t prepare these kids for the reality of a violent culture. There are Black Americans and there are…the others

  12. The more I read this shit the more I’m realizing the only justice left in this country is the justice I wear on my hip. I installed a “new Breaks” app on my phone. They monitor police and fire bands as well as the local and national news. I’m shocked at how much crime goes on around me locally that you never hear of. Especially gun crimes. It’s getting to be like Dodge City on a Saturday Night. Only 24-7.
    If you don’t have a pistol, something you can carry, get one. And the learn how to use it.

  13. No comments about the school founded by LeBrown??

    A charter school for the culling of white people on account of _____

    I’ll bet NBA season tickets that LeBrown will NOT be bothered to denounce senseless violence . “We must ban all midnight hoops courts; they are associated with an disproportionate level of violent crime.” not

  14. Swim in a sewer, smell like shit.
    That’s just the way it is.

    “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”

    There are Hells on Earth.
    And that inscription should be above every city gate in America.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  15. Madame X you’re foolish. Full stop period.

    Friends, real friends, true friends don’t abandon friends to die in their moment of need.

  16. “Another case made for segregation. ”

    Yes, however not based on skin color. Based on political beliefs. The Libtards can have California as soon as I cross that state line for good.

  17. I’ll say from the beginning, the kid shouldn’t have been killed. Also, how stupid do you have to be to be a white kid who shoots blacks with any kind of gun? The kid brought trouble on himself. Wildly disproportionate trouble, but he’s an idiot. Unfortunately, a dead idiot.

  18. Chinese chicken, thats what I said they were not real friends or they wouldn’t have left. Cynic so he’s responsible for his own death, like I said he would be. I’m finished one circle is enough.

  19. Tragic. Not just because this is a senseless crime but the factors that caused it. Don’t really think the white kids intentionally wanted to cause the black kids serious harm.
    Like most teens, the white kids were following a TikTok trend. They were foolish to not recognize a dangerous situation, which could have been avoided. Typical teenage risk taking – ignoring the consequences.

    What the white kids failed to know or understand are the self-destructive, psychologically warped, criminallized socialist indoctrinated mindset the black hood creates. The result: black kids who are mindless tools ready to unleash deadly force just for a prank. You know “the white man deserves it” Marxist mantra.

    Unfortunately, the black thugs who beat the white kid to death may not get the punishment they deserve in this life. God’s judgment is the final Word – “You shall not commit murder”. If unrepentant, the murdering BLM tools face a hellish eternity no man’s punishment can match.

  20. I own a splatterball gun.
    They are NOT water guns! More akin to a paintball gun in that it shoots a gel-based projectile that has to absorb water for four hours prior to being used. These projectiles HURT if they hit you (I know because I shot my own hand to test what it would be like) and like paintball require the user wear safety goggles when using the weapon.
    The one I have shoots 8 projectiles per second when on full automatic with a range of between 100 and 200 feet! I use it to deter the squirrels from climbing up on my bird and hummingbird feeders.
    I cannot find it in myself to feel too sorry for this guy if he really started shooting at people who were unaware of what was being shot at them.

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