“White Supremacists” Are Right-Wing Trump Supporters, No? – IOTW Report

“White Supremacists” Are Right-Wing Trump Supporters, No?

A guy murders 2 men and harasses Muslims. The media calls the guy a “white supremacist” and leaves it at that.

What is the modern “dog whistle” for “white supremacist” in terms of pigeonholing someone’s politics when the media needs to scapegoat a political spectrum?

Their hope is that everyone will picture a Trump supporter, because Trump supporters are racists and the left is as pure as the driven snow when it comes to “not seeing color.”


Got News- 

A Bernie Sanders- and Jill Stein-supporting radical, Jeremy Christian, is in police custody after murdering two men and harassing Muslims in Portland, Oregon on Friday—leaving deceitful Democrat propagandists frenzied to shift blame away from their heroes and onto President Donald J. Trump.

On April 29, a camerman with The Portland Mercury caught Christian yelling at black people, “F*ck all you n*ggers.”


14 Comments on “White Supremacists” Are Right-Wing Trump Supporters, No?

  1. News coverage is provided by the Domestic Enemy Morons [DEM] .By mere coincidence these are also the first three letters of the DEMocratic potty. Anyone else care to expand?

  2. A good guy with a gun could have ended this quickly. This train is dangerous. A wise person would not get on board without a weapon. The MAX was developed to get low lifes out of Portland and into the suburbs. It worked.

  3. Notice the phrase “by any means necessary” in the Facebook post. George Soros finances the communist/anarchist group of the same name. BAMN.com is anti Trump hate group.

    Coincidence I’m sure.

  4. White supremacists is the correct and fair news term. They always are using “Black supremacist” when it’s a black on white crime.


  5. It’s odd that the media never refers to any other racial supremacists as “black supremacists” or “latino supremacists”. I never heard anyone in the leftist media talk about the mobs of “black supremacists” beating or killing white people BECAUSE they were white. La Raza, which means, oddly enough, “The Race” and is a completely Latino supremacist organization. But inly whites can be referred to as racists. Got it.

  6. I have a question for the folks here.

    You know the terms used today, such as. LBGTQ . . . . .and on it grows.

    Is there something we can put together to sum up they names the MSM calls us?

    Like instead of Racist, Homophobe, Bigot . . . Can we have a string just for us?

    RHBWS . . . .

  7. Looking at this guys history you have to wonder whether he was trying to stir things up against conservatives by yelling anti muslim slurs and wasn’t expecting two guys to come out and try to shut him up and he panicked. I wonder if he expected just to run away after ensuring some news coverage. Of course he could just be a crazy SOB that was welcomed into the ranks of the left. His trial is going to be interesting.

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