Whites Calling For White Genocide (and Not Killing Themselves) Are Imagining Themselves Kings and Queens – IOTW Report

Whites Calling For White Genocide (and Not Killing Themselves) Are Imagining Themselves Kings and Queens

17 Comments on Whites Calling For White Genocide (and Not Killing Themselves) Are Imagining Themselves Kings and Queens

  1. Plantation mentality.
    Same with NFL, NBA, Post Office …

    White massah, white overseer, dozen black capos, whole mass of slaves.

    Problem is; IT WORKS! Few negroes can shake off the shackles – actually, few whites can, either.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. ^ Tell that to the white professors who believe they are smarter, better, superior, and long for the day they can be the white overlords.
    You think for one moment they imagine themselves dead in this white genocide?


    They are so debilitated by the psychosis of WHITE GUILT, they’ll put their head on the chopping block for any muslim who wants to take a swing.

    The liberals lower the drawbridge and call everyone else a racist trying to crank it back up!

  4. Fur, it’s even easier than that, I think. These lily white, pampered “professors” (using that term literally), have been baptized in their toxic ideology, their psyches so utterly melded with it, on a molecular level, they believe they are the salvation of the dark races. God complex writ large. Or, as the Urban Dictionary now notes, “a loaded God complex”, meaning a volatile person, a loaded gun, with crazy ideas. Always a bad combination.

  5. Exact definition of “useful idiots”. Imagining gteatness, when in reality they will be the first placed in front of a communist ordered firing squad when the “revolution” is established.

  6. In just about any genocide, the first to be targeted are the “intellectuals.” Professor Smartypants may think that he/she is necessary, but the exact opposite is true – to attain and maintain power by force, you must eliminate all actual and potential opposition. That white redneck really isn’t that much of a threat, and may actually be more sympathetic to an uprising, but the intellectuals will believe they are necessary and therefore be a threat.

    Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot all recognized this. Mao used students as part of his Red Guard, but he made sure their intellectual leaders were eliminated and that the students only loyalty was to him. Even black professors will not be immune – in order to promote and foster genocide, the rulers need to purge all potential opposition, including all those who may be disillusioned that the outcome was not what they predicted.

  7. Well, Anonymous, I like fried chicken, watermelon, and grits.
    Black-eyed peas with fatback.
    Cornbread and butter.

    Oh, shit! That may be cultural appropriation!
    (actually, I spent some years in Mississippi)

    izlamo delenda est …

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