Whitlock: Bigoted LeBron James promises DNC –Dead Negroes Confederacy – to remain silent on Emmett Till 2.0 murder – IOTW Report

Whitlock: Bigoted LeBron James promises DNC –Dead Negroes Confederacy – to remain silent on Emmett Till 2.0 murder

Jason Whitlock-

Five years ago, LeBron James claimed a vandal spray-painted the N-word on the gate of his Brentwood, California, mansion.

At the time of the alleged incident, James and his family primarily resided in Cleveland, and James was in Oakland participating in the NBA Finals. James’ employees removed and painted over the racist graffiti before police arrived and could investigate.

Nevertheless, when discussing the “crime” from the NBA’s highest platform, James analogized what he and his family experienced to the mother of Emmett Till, the 14-year-old black boy murdered in Mississippi in 1955 for whistling at a white woman.

“It just goes to show that racism will always be a part of the world, a part of America,” James said at the 2017 NBA Finals. “And hate in America, especially for African-Americans, is living every day. And even though that it’s concealed most of the time, even though people hide their faces and will say things about you, and when they see you they smile in your face. It’s alive every single day.

“I think back to Emmett Till’s mom, actually. It’s kind of one of the first things I thought of. The reason that she had an open casket is because she wanted to show the world what her son went through as far as a hate crime and being black in America. No matter how much money you have, no matter how famous you are, no matter how many people admire you, being black in America is tough.”

Spray-painted graffiti that LeBron James and his family never personally saw made LeBron think of the pain Mamie Till felt over the murder of her teenage son.

James, in my opinion, was lying. The hate he whined about was a hoax intended to garner sympathy and elevate his brand as a social justice warrior. I believed that in 2017, and I believe it even more today, analyzing his reaction to the murder of Ethan Liming in the parking lot of James’ celebrated, Akron, Ohio, I Promise School. more here

6 Comments on Whitlock: Bigoted LeBron James promises DNC –Dead Negroes Confederacy – to remain silent on Emmett Till 2.0 murder

  1. “It just goes to show that racism will always be a part of the world, a part of America,”

    I don’t disagree with this at all, unfortunately, the real racists, the educators, the social influencers, the Democrats, the SJW’s, and the anarchists (BLM/ ANTIFA) control the narrative. And the oxygen they need and that which feeds their message is the made-up bogus assertion that black people, women, gays, and the gender-confused will always get screwed in our systemically racist country.

  2. James is carrying the baggage of slaves, which was part of the human condition for thousands of years, until the efforts of white people ended it, at least in the US, Britain and its commonwealth and colonies, and Northern Europe.

    Still practiced today in shithole countries run by non-white people.

    James is a stupid ass. Isolated incidents do not make an entire country racist. I do not see anything stopping black people from improving themselves through education, accumulating assets, and free enterprise…except the demoncrap party.

    Of course, we are all suffering right now from demoncrap policies and that may be hurting black people more than white people.

  3. As long as our ignorant politicians continue to keep feeding anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity, resentment, inferiority, lies, superiority, and self-doubt racialism will keep raising it’s ugly head in rage. We know who most of those politicians are, and yet continue to vote them back into office year after year.

  4. @ Rich Taylor June 17, 2022 at 6:51 pm

    > their message is the made-up bogus assertion that black people, women, gays, and the gender-confused will always get screwed in our systemically racist country

    That is the beauty… the divine genius… of The Articles Of Faith(TM).

    Because they will be screwed. Beaten. Raped. And robbed.

    Just not by whitey.

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