Whitmer Lawyer Seeks Recusal in ‘Kidnapping’ Retrial – IOTW Report

Whitmer Lawyer Seeks Recusal in ‘Kidnapping’ Retrial

American Greatness-
Julie Kelly

A federal judge on Thursday ordered a new trial for two men accused of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. In April, a Grand Rapids jury acquitted two other men charged in the scheme after defense attorneys successfully argued their clients had been entrapped by the FBI.

The jury could not reach a unanimous verdict for Adam Fox, the alleged ringleader, and Barry Croft, Jr.; the Justice Department immediately announced prosecutors planned to re-try both men. U.S. District Court Chief Judge Robert Jonker set a tentative August 9 trial date after he denied defense motions to dismiss the charges.

But one federal prosecutor will not be involved in handling the government’s case: Mark Totten, the new U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan. Nominated by Joe Biden in November 2021, Totten was sworn in on May 5, one month after that office lost what the Justice Department touted as the biggest domestic terror investigation in recent history.

According to a new filing by Joshua Blanchard, Croft’s public defender, Totten has recused himself from the case—and Blanchard is suing the Justice Department to find out why. After his Freedom of Information Act requests were ignored, Blanchard filed a lawsuit on June 13 against the Justice Department seeking all documents related to Totten’s recusal. “On information and belief, a memorandum exists detailing Mr. Totten’s request to be recused because DOJ policy required Mr. Totten to draft such a memorandum to request his recusal,” Blanchard wrote. more

5 Comments on Whitmer Lawyer Seeks Recusal in ‘Kidnapping’ Retrial

  1. FBI agents are basically a DNC stazi now. They pull dirty operations to help democrats win elections and to target their political enemies at all times.

    F ilthy
    B ureaucrats
    I ntimidating

  2. Lemme kick off muh shoes. Straighten muh bowtie. And get truly conservative!

    “Without The Rule Of Law(TM), their is nothing but naked power.”


    “And The Republic(TM).” Thank Goddess for The Republic.


    “And courage.” Thank The Wizard. For muh Courage(TM).


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